57. Going Back.

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You touch me and
it's almost like we knew
That there'll be history
There's no way that it's not going there
With the way that we're
Looking at each other
Every second with you, I want another
But, maybe we could hold off, one sec
So we could keep the tension in check.

~There's No Way.
(By: Lavu ft. Julia Michaels.)

TO: Sexual content, slight smut.

Written in 3rd person:

It's been more than a year since Kristyn became the president of the Stark Industries, she's been learning and gaining experience under Pepper.

Pepper and Kristyn travel together on business trips every now and then which aren't long considering they only had to travel themselves for extremely crucial deals and meetings. In the long ones Tony and Bucky sometimes accompany them.

Bucky and Kristyn are having a healthy relationship, working it smoothly when sometimes they find a bump in the road but they talk through it. The spark in their relationship is still hot and spicy.

It was a normal friday afternoon, while Kristyn was working in her office when she received a call on her phone. She picked up and Pepper's name flashed on her screen, she answered it.

"Hey, Pep." Kristyn said, tucking the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Hey, Kris, can you come down to my office, please?" Pepper said on the line.

"Yeah, sure I'll be there in a minute." She hung up and closed the file she was reading, standing up and leaving her office. She went to Pepper's office, sent a smile to her assistant sitting on her desk outside and went inside.

"Hey, what's up?" Kristyn asked closing the door behind her.
"Hey, do you have any plans for the next few days?" Pepper asked standing up from her seat and walking in the front of the desk.

"Not really, why?" She replied, sitting on the client sofa.
"Can you go to Germany?" Pepper asked, leaning her back on the desk and looking down at Kristyn.

"Germany? I'm not aware of any recent clients there." Kristyn said leaning back on the sofa.
"We did not, till this morning. Mr. Rodriguez sent an invitation for a meeting just now and you know their projects better than anyone." Pepper explained, sitting on the sofa beside her.

"That's great. When is the meeting?" Kristyn asked.
"Tomorrow. I'll send you the details as soon as I'll get them, but you gotta leave today." Pepper said nodding slightly.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, sure I'll go, no problem." Kristyn replied with a smile.
"Great, I'll get you a pilot." Pepper said standing up.

"Uhm, Pepper do I have to go alone?" Kristyn asked looking up at her and scratching the back of her neck. Pepper smiled, walking behind the desk.

"No Kristyn, you can take whomever you want to take with you." She said smirking at Kristyn.
"You know whom I wanna take." Kristyn replied, narrowing her eyes and grinning at her. Pepper sent her a twinkle.

"And you don't have to ask me everytime, Kris." Pepper said with a slight grin.
"Force of habit, but thanks." Kristyn said standing up and walking towards the door.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now