34. Invested.

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Baby, imma get you right, I will
When I touch you tell me how it feel
Trust me, imma make you feel surreal
Bay, mind of mine
Imma do all the things,
Type of things that happen in your dreams
Get you right where you need to be,
Just don't keep me waiting.

(By: Zayn Malik.)

TO: Fluff, sexual intercourse, smut.

After the dinner, me, Nat and Wanda were sitting on the common room couch, looking for dresses online to wear on my birthday, Nat was adamant about picking my dress, so I was aiding them to pick their dresses.

Sam, Steve and Bruce were making fun our bickering over colors and styles.

"I can't believe you guys are shopping 3 days before the event." Steve said, pinching the bridge of his nose, grinning lightly.

"Well, apparently Nat already bought a dress for me, she won't show me till the day, so don't count me in that." I replied, smiling.

"This one's cute." Nat said looking at a dress.
"You say that about like every single one you see." Sam said, smiling, Bruce and I chuckled.
"Because they are!" Nat exclaimed, laughing.

"Hey, where's Bucky?" Wanda asked me, frowning a little.
"He's out in the balcony." I replied, flicking my head in his direction.

Wanda looked over at him.
"Oh, he's speaking to someone on the phone." She stated, looking at me. I nodded, knowing that.
"He's been invested in his phone a lot lately." I said, chuckling slowly.

"Is he now?" Sam, asked narrowing his eyes, smiling. I shook my head at him, laughing lightly.
"He has other friends too, you know." I said, looking at the dress Nat was ordering.

"I got mine. Wan you're up." She said, handing her over. Wanda took it and started looking through the dresses.

"I'm gonna call it a night." Steve said standing up.
"Yeah, me too." Sam said, standing up as well.
"Goodnight guys." I said, waving them as they walked out. I yawned, covering my mouth.

"I'm gonna go as well." I said to them, standing up. I looked over at Bucky, who was still on his phone, I thought about dropping him a text, so he could read it after he ends the call.


I went upstairs.


I came back to my room, brushed my teeth and changed into one of Bucky's hoodies and a pair of panties. I was reading a novel, sitting by the bed rest.
Someone turned the doorknob and I understood it must be Bucky.

He pushed the door and walked in, closing it behind him. I looked up at him for a second then back to my book.

"Hey." He said, putting his phone on the table by the bookshelf and walking towards me.
"Hey." I replied, still reading, not looking up. He removed his t-shirt and jeans, coming to bed.

"What are you reading." He asked, flopping over the bed on his stomach, hoisting himself up with his elbows, looking at my book

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now