4.The Avengers Tower.

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I don't wanna die or fade away
I just wanna be someone
I just wanna be someone
Dive and disappear without a trace
I just wanna be someone
Well, doesn't everyone?

~Someone To You.

It has been a few days since Tony and Clint visited me. And today was the day when I was going to the Avengers tower. I was elevated even at the thought of it.

Being around geniuses like Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, heros like Steve Rogers and Clint Barton was like a dream come true. I was still on my toes about it.

I had so many doubts about myself, will I able to perform well? Will they kick me out if I fail? Will they start hating me? What if they don't like me? I pushed these thoughts away because I was just making myself more anxious by the second.

Happy, Tony's friend and driver, was going to pick me up. I had packed all my clothes and my belongings. I didn't have much. I wasn't going to sell the apartment, so I didn't take any pictures or anything, since it was a fresh start and they would just make me sad. I love my parents but it's just too much to bear. So I decided on not taking any pictures or belongings of them either. I would just come here if I'd feel like it.

I had everything packed and I was sitting on my couch waiting for Happy and suddenly my doorbell rang.

"I'm coming." I yelled, getting up from the couch and went to open the door. Opening it, I was met with an middle aged man.
"Hey, are you Kristyn?" He asked, with a small smile
"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked politely.

"I'm Happy. Tony sent me." He replied, grinning lightly.

"Right. Please, come in." I offered, gesturing with my hand and he walked in, pressing his lips together.

"Please, have a seat." I offered him with a smile, he nodded and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"So you are the young blood." I heard him say as I was tying my shoes.
"I'm afraid so." I replied with a grin and tilting my head.

"Tony really likes you. He talked about you for the longest time. I've never seen him like that before." Happy stated, looking at me.

"He did?" I asked, frowning and sitting back up.
"Yeah. You must really be special." He said smiling at me.
"I doubt that." I said chuckling and he sent me a smile.

"We should get going." Happy said pointing a finger and the door and I nodded. He stood up picking up my suitcase.
"Oh no, I can take that, please." I opposed, stretching my arm toward the suitcase handle.

"C'mon I got it." He said and started walking out of the door. I smiled at him and nodded pressing my lips together.

I was walking behind him, he was already walking down the stairs, while I took one last look of the appartment and then locked it, keeping the key in my jeans pocket.

I sprinted downstairs to find a car with Happy in the driver's seat.

"Where do you want me to sit?" I asked politely. Leaning on the front passenger seat window from the outside.
"Where ever you like." He replied, looking at me, with one hand on the steering wheel.
"Okay then, front it is." I replied cheekily smiling and opening the front door.

Happy sent me a smile. I sat in the front seat, along side him and he drove us down to the tower. The drive was quite I kept looking out of the window the whole time.

I was still thinking about what Tony and the other's would think of me. Clint said he would teach me but, what if I let him down, he'd be disappointed. I don't like to fail, but, what if I will?

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now