17. I promise.

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Once upon a time
a few mistakes ago
I was in your sight
you got me alone
You found. You found me,
you found me-e-e.

~I knew you were trouble.
(By: Taylor Swift.)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I tuned it off. And layed in my bed for a little while longer. I was looking out of the windows, it was raining. I loved rain, watching it, more like it.
It's peacefull to listen the sound of the transparent pearls hitting the ground, the windows and everything else.

I got out of my bed, and walked towards my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I came out and wore  my blue full sleeved turtle neck and a black pair of jeans.

I walked over to my nightstand beside my bed and picked up my tablets bottle and rolled one down and swallowed it followed by some water. I heard people speaking from the outside, I presumed it must be the others.

I walked outside of my room and closed the door behind me.

"No! You put water in that!" I heard Nat shouting.
"You didn't tell me there was oil in the pan!" Sam shouted back.
"Simmer down the flame, you dumb head!" Nat shouted again.

"What is going on?" I asked walking towards the kitchen where they were, from the corridor. My eyes widened when I saw fire on the pan and a whole mess of a kitchen.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I shouted and ran towards the kitchen. "Out! Out!" I shouted at them and they cleared the stove. I turned the stove off and put a lid on the pan to Extinguish the fire.

"What. Were. You guys. Thinking!" I asked turning to look at them. Hyperventilating.

"We wanted to make breakfast. Since we were early." Sam said, with the cutest expressions ever.

"By burning the building down?" I asked. They both looked down, with innocent and guilty countenance.

"Well, we had it under control... For the most part." Nat said, trying to avoid my gaze.
I smiled with closed lips at them.

"You guys are the cutest. I can't even be mad at you." I said, chuckling.
"Go, sit on the couch, I'll cook." I instructed them.

"Yeah, we'll be just, here." Sam said, pointing at the couches. They both walked over and sat on the couches.

"Would you guys like, bacon and scrambled eggs or toast with Omelette?" I asked, putting both of palms on the counter looking at them.

"Former. For sure." Sam said, looking at the tv.
"Yeah. What he said." Nat replied, smiling at me.
"You got it." I said, talking some eggs out from the refrigerator.

I started making scrambled eggs and bacon. I put coffee in the coffee pot. Sam and Nat were watching tv.

"Something smells delicious... And burnt?" Steve said, walking in and frowning at the end of his words.

"Heyy Steve... Yeah delicious smells, the current food and burnt smells the former." I replied, smiling down at the bacon.

"Yeah, that was us." Nat said, looking at Steve. I chuckled behind the counter.
"Was your motive to burn the building down?" Steve asked them, sitting down.

"I said the same thing." I replied laughing and pouring coffee in a mug.
Everyone chuckled.

I put the food in plates and walked over with two of them to the dinning table. I put it down and then went back to get the other two. I brought coffees as well.

"At the table, guys." I said to them. They all stood up and sat on the table. I sat beside Steve who was next to Nat.

Steve rubbed his hands together. So did Sam.

"I haven't had a good breakfast in so long." He said, looking at his place.
I smiled, happily.

We all started eating, drinking, talking.

"You know Steve and Sharon, kissed." Sam said, in between taking bites.

I choked on my coffee, I put the mug down and Steve rubbed my back and after a few seconds I was fine.

"What!?" I asked, switching my gaze from Sam to Steve to Nat back and forth.
"Yeah... When she gave him the shield, back." Sam said smirking.

"Steve Grant Rogers." I looked at steve, putting my fork down. With a look of amusement.

"What?" He said in a monotone, trying not to smile but failing.

"You kissed a girl, while we have been trying to get you one, and you didn't tell me!?" I asked, turning my whole body towards him. He sighed, grinning.

"It just happened in the moment." Steve replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

"A kiss is a kiss man." Sam said, smiling at Steve.
"Fine. Yes, I kissed Sharon." Steve said, moving his head to the sides.

"Yeahhhhh." Nat and I cheered in unison.
"You should bring her tonight to dad's birthday party." I suggested.

"Noo, there's nothing going on between us... And speaking of party, why didn't Tony throw one for your 18th?" Steve replied, finishing his breakfast and standing up to put the plate in the sink.

"Oh he was exhilirated about my 18th, he wanted to throw a big ass party, but I refused. I wanted to spend, normal days with you guys... Besides, I didn't want strangers hitting on me." I said laughing at the end. Steve nodded.

"You should give it a try." Nat said, sipping her coffee and putting her plate in the sink as well.
"I've been telling him the same thing." Sam added, standing up.

"Don't torment him, guys. He's a baby." I said, jokingly.

"You know what, Stark." Steve sent me a playful gaze. I shrugged, grinning. I stood up and walked over to the sink to put my plate too.

"Alright, y'all, See you later. Thanks for the breakfast Kris." Nat said, with a smile. I nodded and grinned.

"Yeah, imma head out too. Thanks for the food." Sam said, squeezing my shoulder and then walking out of the apartment.

I started doing the dishes and Steve stood next to me leaning his back on the counter, arms crossed, my back facing his side.

"You know, I'm just not ready, to be out there." Steve said, suddenly. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I know. We were just messing with you, Steve." I said, giving him a smile, and returning back to my dishes.

"Yeah I know... It's just, I worry about Bucky all the time. And how's he doing?" He said, looking at his feet.

"Speaking of Bucky. Where is he, nowadays?" I asked after a while.

"He's in Wakanda. They said, they could help him. Get the Winter Soldier part out of him." He replied, looking at me.

"How long, is he gonna be there?" I asked, curiously.
"2 years." He replied looking down again.

I was done doing the dishes, so I wiped my hands and walked over to stand in front of Steve. I put my hands on his arms.

"I'm sure, he's doing fine. And time flies, he'll be here in no time... You did the best you could, you got him help. He'll be a free man once the Winter Soldier is out... You deserve to live a happy life too." I said, looking up at his face with a sympathetic grin. He took a deep breath looking up over my head.

"Yeah... I just wish he'd be here... I don't even know, if he'd like to come here in the tower, considering his relationship with Tony." He said, looking back down at me.

"He'll be here. Afterall you two are the best of buddies. I promise, if anything happens, I'll bring him here, myself. And leave dad upto me, I can handle him." I said, sending him a genuine smile.

He smiled back, sending me a nod.


Do you think Bucky would want to come live with Steve????

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His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now