63. Reminiscing.

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We're only getting older, baby

And I've been thinking about it lately
Does it ever drive you crazy?
Just how fast the night changes.
Everything that you've ever dreamed of
Disappearing when you wake up
But there's nothing to be afraid of
Even when the night changes.
It will never change me and you.

~Night Changes.
(By: One Direction.)

Written in 3rd person:

Time and universe starts working differently when you and everyone around is looking forward to one single event. An event everybody is excited for and wants it to happen with no hurdles instead filed with happy memories. But that is highly unlikely, the universe hates people, you always hit bumps in the road.

One such event in the Avengers tower, right now, was Kristyn and Bucky's wedding. Kristyn was the baby of the house, everybody loved her, Bucky on the other hand was not so much admired except for a few people. Guess, you can't actually run out your past.

But, not everything in his past was a nightmare, some of his memories are one of his best ones and he was reliving them sitting around with Steve, Sam and Bruce in his living room, drinking beer.

"Do you remember the blond from art class?" Steve asked, pointing a finger at Bucky.

"Yeah." Bucky replied, laughing and nodding his head. "I had to survive detention for a week straight, because of her." He finished, laughing.

"There was a girl in our art class, who was giving signs to Buck and she was beautiful, so obviously, he had to get her." Steve started looking at Bruce and Sam. "And our art teacher did not have a sense for humour, so this man, enters the room and our teacher was walking im the room, looking over our work and he did not care about her and went straight upto her and stood next to her table, she looked up at him, totally surprised and our teacher said James, what are you doing? And him being him replied, I'm asking her out." Steve burst out laughing and so did Sam and Bruce.

"I was being honest." Bucky said, shrugging.
"And the whole room gasped and the teacher sent him to detention immediately." Steve added, laughing.

"Worst week of my life." Bucky said shaking his head.
"Did you get the girl, though?" Sam asked Bucky.

"Nah, I never spoke to her again. She was on cloud nine after that day and I did not want to handle her attitude." Bucky said, drinking his beer.

"How did you guys meet exactly?" Bruce asked about Steve and Bucky.
"It's a funny story, actually." Bucky said scrunching on the couch. "You were so small, when we first met, punk." He sent Steve a twinkle.

"Here we go again." Steve said smiling and leaning back on the couch.

"When I was around 12 or 13-" Bucky looked at the ceiling with narrowed eyes, recalling his age. "I was in the playground with my friends and there was this scrawny little dude getting beat up by a bunch of bullies, who are double his size, and yet, he's too stubborn to stand down. So, I stepped in and kinda, saved his ass." He said bringing his bear bottle back to his mouth.

"Yeah, and from then on we became best of pals." Steve said with a smirk.

"Damn, I feel left out." Sam said in a shrill. Steve laughed, patting his back.

"Hey, where's Kristyn? I haven't seen her all day." Steve asked, furrowing his brows.

"She's gone out with the ladies." Bucky replied, crossing his legs.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now