61. Something Borrowed.

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I'm feeling something deep inside
Hotter than a jet stream burnin' up
I gotta feeling deep inside
It's taking, it's taking, all I've got
Yeah, it's taking, it's taking, all I've got
'cause nobody knows you, baby
The way I do, and
Nobody loves you, baby
The way I do
It's been so long, it's been so long
Maybe we are fireproof.
'cause nobody saves me, baby
The way you do.

(By: One Direction.)

The world and a multinational company does not stop just because I got engaged. I've never felt this happy and contagious before, but being engaged to the man I love, makes me feel alive. Nat keeps bugging me and asking me questions, if I am having second doubts or do I need more time to stay a bachelor but everytime I respond, No, I do not want more time to live like a wild bachelor, I love Bucky and marrying him isn't going to change anything other than the fact that we'll be beside each other for the rest of our lives.

Considering I'm only 23 and marrying someone will close any and every other option for me but truth be told, I don't want options, I found the one. People spend their whole lives searching for their "The One" and I'm glad I found mine at such an early age. Besides, Bucky has been through a lot and he deserves every happiness in this world and he wants this and so do I, so I'm not gonna ruin this for something I don't even want.

Speaking of work, I have a lot of paper work pending from the past and the upcoming week, since I have to complete it before we leave for the wedding and right now I'm glued to my office desk going through files and documents from all around the world.

Knock! knock! knock!

"Come in." I softly yelled, reading a file in front of me.
"Knew, I'd find you here." I heard Bucky's voice and I shot my head up to look at him. He walked over to opposite side of the table, I sighed and put my pen down.

"You were looking for me?" I asked looking at him as he sat down on the guest sofas.

"Yes. You said you took off from work till the wedding and yet, here we are." Bucky said in a sassy voice, throwing his arms in the air and rolling his head.

"I did, but I knew a lot of work must be piling up, so I came here to get some done." I explained, standing up from my seat and walking towards Bucky, standing in front of him, leaning my back on the table as his eyes followed me. "Besides, I didn't have anything else to do, really." I pouted.

"Didn't you have more shopping to do?" Bucky asked looking up at me.
"Oh, Nat and Wanda took Rease on shopping for the maid of honour dresses and I wasn't invited." I replied shrugging and crossing my arms.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" Bucky asked holding his right hand out, I took it and he pulled me in making me sit on his lap with my legs on one side and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You don't like to go out." I said snaking my arm around his neck.
"We can still go out, if you want." Bucky said gazing into my eyes and I smiled.

"No, we can stay here." I said grinning and leaning in to peck his lips. "But, thanks for the offer." I said and Bucky hummed, sneaking his left hand behind my neck and gripping it, lightly, pulling me and smashed our lips together while grazing his hand over my thigh.

"By the way, I came here to take you upstairs." Bucky said breaking the kiss. I frowned at him.

"Why? Is everything okay?" I asked looking at him.
"Yeah, everything's fine. We all were just hanging out and thought about calling you up." Bucky said with a slight smile.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now