49. Marvin Gaye.

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All wrapped in one
He was so many sins
Would have done anything
Everything for him
And if you ask me, I would do it again
No need to imagine
Cause I know it's true
They say, all good boys go to heaven
But bad boys bring heaven to you
It's automatic, it's just what they do.

(By: Julia Michaels.)

TO: Sexual content, smut.

AN: Listen to Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor when it plays in the story. Thanks. Enjoy ;-):-*

Written in 3rd person:

It had been weeks since the visit to louisiana. After coming back, since it's getting close to the wedding, Pepper asked Kristyn to be her maid of honor along with Natasha and Wanda and she said yes. Ever since that day, all three of them have been doing the shopping and organising of the wedding, resulting in spending a lot of time out of the tower and not having enough time to process the realisation of her mother's crimes.

After another day of tasting cakes, wines, drinks etcetera they all returned home. Kristyn was walking inside her apartment to find Bucky sitting on the couch.

"Hey. How was your day?" Kristyn asked walking in and kicking her heels off.
"It was okay. Yours? Find your favourite cake?" Bucky asked looking at her as she put her knees beside his legs and sitting on his lap. "Oh." Slipped from his mouth as she hugged him. He put his hands over her back, rubbing and grazing it, lightly.

"Yeah, we found the cake and placed the order as well." She murmured, closing her eyes. He hummed putting his chin over her head.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a low voice. She shook her head slowly. "Talk to me, doll." He urged, placing a kiss over her head. She sighed, opening her eyes.

"Melissa's visit affected me more than I thought it would." She mumbled, looking blindly. "I love spending time outside with Nat and Wan, with all the shopping and wedding planning but... I can't just pretend everything's normal with my life when it's clearly not. No matter how much I try to push it down, I can't deny the fact that she is my mother." She sighed, feeling her heart getting warm.

"Hey." Bucky whispered, grabbing her shoulders, lightly. She pulled back, sitting on his lap. He put his hands on her neck with his thumbs on her cheek, caressing them. "I can't even begin to understand how much you must be hurting. But what I do know is that, family does not end in blood, Passerine." He slowly said to her.

She was looking down and then frowned, looking up at him.

"Did you just quote Bobby Singer?" She asked smiling lightly.
"Yeah." He chuckled, making her laugh and fall over his chest. "It's growing on me." He said chuckling.

He was happy to make her laugh and take her mind off of things for a while. She stopped laughing but kept smiling as she sat back looking at him.

"The point is, she abandoned you, your sister and took your father away from you both. And as far as definitions of mothers go, she does not come under any." He said to her further, caressing her cheeks. She nodded, looking at him with a small grin.
"Thank you." She whispered and Bucky put one hand behind her neck pulling her into a kiss. Kissing her lovingly and letting her know that everything's going to be fine. She broke the kiss and put her forehead over his.

"It's Saturday night. We should go out." Bucky said to her.
"Do you have any place in mind?" She asked grinning a little.
"As a matter of fact, I do." He said with a mischievous smile.
"Where?" She asked smiling and narrowing her eyes.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now