51. The Beach.

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Skin to skin, breath me in,
Feel with your kiss on me,
Lips are made of ecstasy
I'll be yours for a thousand lives.
I'm free as a bird when I'm
flying in your cage,
I'm driving in deep and
I'm riding with no brakes,
And I'm bleeding your love
When you're swiming in my veins,
You got me now.

~For You.
(By: Liam Payne and Rita Ora.)

TO: Sexual content, smut, fluff.

Written in 3rd person:

For the last day in El Dorado, everyone decided to relax and spend some time all together on the beach, since they were going to leave in the evening for New York.

Kristyn steered in her sleep, flickering her eyes open, waking up to a bewitched with love and lust Bucky, kissing down her neck, with a hand exploring her bare upper body. She hummed and turned on her back.

"Good morning." Bucky murmured against her chest, tickling his finger tips over her abdomen.
"Morning." She mumbled, smiling. "I'm still tired." She said, putting her hand over the back of his neck, softly. But Bucky had different plans, he took her tags between his lips and flicked them over her neck, he slid his hand under her underwear pulling them off her legs, adjusting under the blankets and then returning to kiss down her stomach. She chuckled lightly.

"Bucky, we literally had sex the whole last night." Kristyn whined but smiling a little. Bucky went down to her abdomen.
"But I need breakfast." Bucky said in his raspy voice looking up at her. Her hand tenderly intertwined in his hair.
"Yeah, so we can go and get- Ah!" Bucky licked her clit, making her moan, arching her back a little and grip his hair. He stroked his tongue over her folds, slowly a few times, earning soft moans from her. Bucky drew his face away from her warmth and held her outer thighs, kissing down her inner thigh.

"You were saying?" He asked, smirking against her thigh. She shook her head, gulping down.
"Nothing." She said in a breathy voice, looking at him, hands over her pillow.
He came closer to her pussy and she closed her eyes, expecting his mouth to where she needed him now. But instead, he went to her other knee, kissing down.

Kristyn opened her eyes, looking at a smirking Bucky, kissing down her inner thigh. She was breathing irregularly.
"Please don't tease, Bucky." She mumbled, looking at him. He smiled and kissed down closer to her pussy.

He gently put his tongue under her clit, taking it inside his mouth, making her moan and sneak her hand into his hair. He was sucking and licking her entrance, painfully slow. His beard grazing against her skin. He wanted her to work for it.

"Bucky, please." She moaned, massaging his head. He smirked and increased his speed and strokes, eating her just the way she likes but still not giving in enough.

"Please, don't stop." She moaned at the elevated pleasure. Bucky was eating her pussy at a stagnant pace now, but then slowed down again. Not giving her enough pressure and licks, almost stopping.

"Bucky please. I'd do anything, just please don't stop." She whined pathetically. Bucky took her clit in his mouth again, sucking it out.

"Anything?" He asked in a low gruff.
"Yes, just don't stop." She said in a breathy voice.

It was all it took for Bucky to dwell in her wetness. He stroked her once, tasting her pre-cum, before flicking under her clit, making her moan and arch her back, over and over again. He penetrated her with his tongue.
"Oh god..." She moaned, pulling on his hair a little. Bucky took all of her folds into his mouth, sucking it up till her clit. 

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now