16.Welcome Back Cap.

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Who's gonna be the first one to compromise
Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire
Who's gonna be the first one to drive away
Forgetting every single promise
we every made.

(By: One Direction.)

I'm in my room, reading. Occasionally looking outside the window, to see busy streets, people pacing, cars moving, vendors fighting, total chaos... But still beautiful.

"Kristyn, I apologise to disturb you, but some people are waiting for you in the common room." Friday told me.
"Who is it Friday?" I asked, totally not in the mood for a prank.

"They won't say." The AI replied.

I sighed loudly, closed the book I was reading and started walking towards the elevator. I put my hand on the scanner, and stepped in.

I pressed the buttons for the common room floor and waited. After a while the doors opened, and I walked towards the common room, I saw dad standing in front of the door.

"Who's inside? And why are you standing here?" I asked dad, frowning.
"See for yourself." He said slightly grinning, opening the door for me. I walked in.

"Hey, Pretty girl." Steve said. I widely smiled and ran towards him and jumped on him to hug him. He caught me and hugged me.

"Good to see you too." He replied laughing in the hug.
"You're back! I can't believe you're back! You're all back!" I said, exhilirated.

Wanda, Sam, Nat and vision were standing behind him. Smiling at me. I broke the hug and stood back on my feet, looking up at Steve.

"Yeah. Tony called. And we couldn't say no. Afterall had to come back at some point." Steve replied, grinning at me.
"Yeah... I'm sorry for everything." I said, calming my nerves.
"Me, too, Kiddo. But it's all water under the bridge." Steve replied, looking at dad at the end of the sentence who was standing behind me.

"Are we invisible or something?" Sam interrupted our delighted moment.
I laughed a little and went over to him.

"You can never be invisible to me." I gave him a hug.
"Ah, it's so good to be back." He said breaking the hug.
"Good to have you back." I said, grinning.

I went to Wanda. "Welcome back Wan." I said, hugging her.
"Thank you for having me back here." She said looking at me and dad, who sent her a soft nod.
"We're incomplete without you." I said, giving her a smile. She smiled back.

"Mr. Vision." I said to Vision, offering me hand.
"Miss Kristyn." He said, shaking my hand.
"You make me miss JARVIS." i said, chuckling. He smiled.
"I'm still of service." He said.
"It's good to have you back." I said smiling at him.
"Pleasure is all mine." He replied.

I went to Nat. And I was scared to face her remembering our last conversation. But still I went upto her.

"Nat." I nodded my head.
"Kristyn." She said, reciprocating my action.
"I'm sorry, for the way I acted the last time we spoke, I really am. I shouldn't have said thos-" she cut me off.
"We all made mistakes. Besides, like Steve said, water under the bridge, or whatever that was." She started laughing, so did I and we hugged.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now