13. Assassin on the loose.

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I'm not afraid.
To take a stand
Everybody, come take my
We'll walk this road together
Through the storm
Whatever weather
Cold or warm

~Not Afraid.
(By: Eminem.)

Later we found out that Peggy has passed away. Steve and Sam went to the funeral. There they met Sharon Carter, Peggy's niece.

Nat went to Vienna for the signing of the Sokovia accords. King T'chaka of Wakanda and his son, T'challa were going to be there as well.

Dad and Mr. Rhodes had some business together, so, they are in his office and he specifically asked me to stay in my room.

I was watching the news. Suddenly, they started telecasting the videos of bombing at the Vienna international centre, 11 casualties including the King T'chaka of Wakanda, orchestrated by James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier.

I didn't think twice before running down to dad's floor. To find him and Mr. Rhodes already going somewhere. I caught upto them and started walking with them.

"Please tell me you're going, where I think you're going." I asked dad.

"Yes. And you're not coming." He replied. He knew what I was gonna ask.

"Like hell, I'm not. You're pissed, visibly. And I'm coming with, whether you like it or not." I said, matching his footsteps.

"She, sure is your daughter." Mr. Rhodes said smirking. I smiled at the comment.

"Fine. But you're not leaving my sight." He said.
"Promise." I said, with a serious face.


Just like I had expected, Steve and Sam went to get Bucky before the police and they almost succeeded but the police eventually caught them, including T'challa, who was the black panther now, with the help of Mr. Rhodes in Bucharest, Romania.

Dad, Nat and I were waiting for them in Berlin. They arrived at the facility and Bucky was kept in a unbreakable glass chamber for Psychological evaluation and extradition. Though it wasn't the best way of treating someone, it was reasonable, considering he's the winter Soldier.

Nat went to get them to the office Me and Dad were sitting in. Dad's phone rang and Secratary Ross displayed on the phone. I panicked for a second.

"Please, tell me you're gonna save their asses." I pleaded dad with a worried look, before he answered the call.

"That's all I ever do." He replied and picked up the phone, and started speaking.

I didn't give his conversation much attention, I was more worried about Steve and Sam at the moment. I saw them walking towards the office.

"Romania was not Accord-sanctioned. Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup." I heard dad say, walking towards the corridor.

I stood up and went behind him, looking at Steve and Sam.

"Try not to break anything while we fix this." Nat said to Steve and sam.

"Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences." Dad said, and I gave him the really look, he shrugged.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now