45. To Get To Me.

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I don't wanna let go
I know, I'm not that Strong.
I just wanna hear you,
Saying "baby let's go home",
Let's go home,
Yeah, I just wanna take you home.

~Hold On.
(By: Chord Overstreet.)

few months later...

Tony and Pepper are planning a June wedding, which, definitely isn't going to take place in New York. They spend a lot of time together, dad isn't going to retire just yet, speaking of which, we just returned from a mission a few hours ago, Steve, Sam, Nat and Bruce took showers and changed and came down to our floor to relax, Bucky and I did the same, sitting by the kitchen counter while the others are on the couches.

"You distracted me very much on the field." Bucky murmured into my ear, leaning down by the counter, eyes on the tv. I chuckled lightly.

"You've seen me in my suit before, Buck." I replied, looking at him. Others were watching the news.
"Yet, it took everything in me, not to rip it off of you once we stepped into the tower." He said in a raspy voice, trailing his gaze over my chest. I slapped his forearm, giggling.

"Hey, Kristyn." I heard Bruce and turned to look at him.
"Yeah." I asked, raising my brows.
"Look at this." His eyes on the tv "Friday turn the volume up." He instructed, Bucky and I sat straight looking at the tv.

"And about 2 hours ago this attack took place, luckily there was no use of arms and ammunition, children of the Green City school are all safe and sound. Coming up next is..." The news anchor continued.
"What is going on?" Steve asked looking between me and Bruce.

The news, knocked the air out of me, Bruce was looking at me while my brain was in a blender.

"Kris, we should go to Tony." I heard Bucky's fuzzy voice.
"Hun? Yeah yeah." I said standing up, beside Bucky and started running towards the elevator, he pushed the buttons to dad's floor, while my head was all over the place.

"She's fine, Kris. She's fine." Bucky rubbed my back. I was hyperventilating, looking at the doors.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out, running down to dad's office to find him already there. I pushed the door in.

"Dad." I said walking in totally panicked, Bucky closely followed.
"Yeah, I know."  He said, sliding a few tabs off his screens, hurriedly.
"Have you found anything?" I asked, standing beside him, taking deep breaths.
"Not yet." He replied, looking through some stuff.

"I'm going down to pick her up." I said walking towards the door.
"Kristyn No! Happy can go pick her up, you come here, go through these."
Dad stopped me, sliding a few videos towards the other table.

"Dad I need to go, she's my sister, I can't sit on my ass and watch some videos!" I shouted at him, regretting it instantly.
"Kristyn." Bucky politely said, coming closer to me, wrapping his one arm around me, while dad stopped working on his screens and sighed loudly.

"Majority of stunts in this city happen to lure us out, not to harm the civilians, not for kicking any ass but harm us." Dad said, leaning his side by the table, looking at me filled with rage "you understand that, and I get it that she's your sister and Happy is the guy I trust, he's on his way as we speak. She'll be here within the hour." He explained further in a stern tone.

I gulped down, nodding slowly.

"Now, go though those and lemme know if you find something." He said calmly, pointing towards the other table. I nodded, walking over to the table and sitting down, playing the first video.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now