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I didn't sleep well last night. Because of various reasons, one being the new environment. So I got up pretty early.
I took a shower and wore a pair of leggings and a top, since I'd be having training today and I wanted to be prepared.

I went to eat something for breakfast. I thought about cooking bacon and scrambled eggs but then dropped the idea and decided on having cereal instead.

Dinner, last night, was great. Pepper, Tony and Bruce were all so welcoming.

We all talked about things, Tony kept making inappropriate jokes, and Pepper kept scolding him. They are the cutest couple I've ever met.

We all shared stories, mostly me since Pepper and Bruce were asking. They already knew few parts of my story so I told them everything else. Tony kept reassuring me whenever I looked down at my hands sadly. Which was kind of strange, considering his habit of cracking jokes all the time.

I felt comfortable around them all.

I finished my cereal and kept the bowl in the dishwasher.

"Hey JARVIS?" I called for the AI.
"Yes, Miss Kristyn." JARVIS replied instantly.

"Well that was quick." I mumbled to myself. Noticing that Tony had changed my name.

"When will Mr. Barton return?" I asked him.
"I apologise, but I do not have such information, as of yet Miss."

"Just call me Kristyn please." I said.
"As you wish, Kristyn." The AI replied.
"Thank you JARVIS."
"Pleasure is all mine." He replied.

I went into my room and picked Two gentlemen of Verona and sat on the couch next to the windows and started reading.

It's easier to get lot in thw words, words which are printed on a paper. Words that hold millions of emotions just by being put together with some other. A perfect escape from reality. Life is not fair, most of the people start reading or find comfort in books when the outter world seems to let them down or hunt then down, persistently.

People written by other people are not perfection but they make life better, somehow. I wonder how it would feel to have one such person, on whom I could depend on for anything. Someone I could trust. Someone who won't leave. Or I won't have to send away.

"Kristyn, Miss Pots is waiting for you in the living room." JARVIS announced.
"Thanks JARVIS". I replied closing my book and keeping it back on the shelf, I started walking out of the room to the living room to find Pepper standing there in her formal clothes.

"Good morning, Pepper." I greeted her with a smile.
"You're awake. Good morning." She said, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't exactly sleep last night. New surroundings." I said, gesturing around.
"I understand, you'll get used to it." Pepper said with a warm smile.
"Yeah, I guess." I reciprocated the expression.

"I see, you're ready for the training." Pepper highlighted.
"I am." I said with a wide grin on my face.
"Come with me. I'll introduce you to your trainer." Pepper said.

"Please, lead the way." I said moving both my hands forward, gesturing her to walk ahead.

Pepper started walking towards the door and I followed her to the elevator. We stepped in and she pushed the buttons.

"Is there something I need to know before meeting my trainer?" I asked Pepper.
"No, not much. She's a professional. Don't worry, you'll be in good hands. Besides, Me and Tony are always here if you need us." She replied grinning.

"Thank you, for everything." I said looking down at my hands.
"Don't mention it." She replied and the elevator doors opened to a floor.

We walked down the corridor to the gym, which was huge, with every equipment that one could need for any type of work out.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now