47. Mile High Club.

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So, what you trying to do to me
It's like we can't stop, we're enemies
But we get along when I'm inside you,
You're like a drug that's killing me
I cut you out entirely
But I get so high when I'm inside you.

(By: Maroon 5.)

TO: Fluff, sexual content, smut.

Written in 3rd person:

Last night, Kristyn slept with Rease as she was not in the state to be left alone. They both woke up at a reasonable time. Kristyn went to her room to find Bucky bathed and freshly dressed, reading one of her novels on the bed.

"Hey, beautiful." Bucky said closing the book and standing up as Kristyn walked in.
"Hey." She whispered and moved closer to Bucky, wrapping her hands around his torso, without saying another word. He hugged her back, massaging her scalp lightly.

"How'd she take it?" He murmured, placing a kiss over her head.
"She cried herself to sleep. It was awful." She whined, buring her face into his chest. He rubbed her back, placing his chin over her head.

"Where is she now?" He asked.
"In the bathroom. Speaking of which, I need a shower." She pulled back, looking up at him.

He nodded and placed another kiss on her forehead.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Kristyn and Bucky were sitting in the living room, waiting for Rease. Nat and Steve left last night. Sam was with Happy talking over the schedule for the visit to louisiana.

"Do you think, she's gonna be fine?" Bucky asked Kristyn.
"She's stronger than she looks." Kristyn replied with a light grin, Bucky sent her a smile.

"What are you two lazy asses doing just sitting here?" Rease said, walking out of her room to the living room. They both turned to look at her. Confused at her question, they both exchanged a look.

"Uhm- we were waiting for you." Kristyn said slowly.
"Why? And where is your stuff for the trip?" She asked cheerfully. Kristyn took a deep breath.
"Rease, I don't think-" she cut her off.
"I know, I know, you think it's not a good idea blah blah blah, but this trip is exactly what I want right now. So, we're going to Delacroix and that's final. Besides don't steal my first private jet experience." Trease said, walking over to the both of them and flopping on the couch.

Kristyn and Bucky looked at eachother with raised brows, Bucky shrugged and Kristyn shook her head.

"Fine, we'll go. But I need to know that-" she cut her off again.
"Yes, I'm fine, jeez Krisi. I lived for 11 years believing she was dead, for me she still is, no biggie." She said, throwing her arms in the air, shrugging.

"But Rea-" she cut her off again.
"Kristyn. I'm fine. You're my everything and you are here. That's all that I want." Trease said, facing Kristyn with a humble smile "I love you, bitch." She said hugging her.
"I love you, jerk." Kristyn said laughing and hugging her back. Sam walked in hurriedly.

"Hey guys, let's go, Happy is waiting for us." Sam told us, cheerfully.


Bucky, Kristyn, Trease and Sam walked inside the Jet. Bucky put his and Kristyn's bag in one cabin while Sam kept in another one. Trease kept her in one of the rest. The three of them were sitting in the common area while Trease was in her cabin, looking at every single detail in amazement.

His Passerine // Bucky Barnes // 18+Where stories live. Discover now