Caught in an iron grip

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This wasn't your choice.

There were two men on either side of you, holding your arms. You start to struggle to get your arms out of their grasp, they tighten their grasp on your arm. They walk you into a room with other men and you see a shirtless man with a metal arm with sadness and pain in his eyes. Your heart races as you see the stranger sitting down, you don't know what's going on.

"Who is she?"

"Nobody, just another agent that we've acquired."
An older man turns around to you.

"Hello Y/N."

"Who are you and what do you want with me?"

"I'm Alexander Pierce and you have something that I want."

"What? I don't have anything that you want."

"You do, and you're here so you can act as our agent."

"Agent for who?"


"And if I don't?" Your voice trembling

"If you don't comply, then we'll kill you but we'll show you what'll happen after every mission."

He turns to a person in a lab coat and says, "wipe him."

The man in the lab coat puts a black mouthguard into his mouth, there was some sort of contraption holding onto his head and he tightens his body and screams. 

"What are you doing to him?" You scream

"We are wiping his memory, we're going to have to wipe your memory for initial assessment as well as after each mission."

Tears form in your eyes as you see the man's body go limp. You just want to turn away and not see this man hurt in any way, seeing him like this made you upset, why would they want to hurt a man that looks like he has been through enough?

"Do you understand?" Pierce says as he turns to you.

You simply just nod as the tears fall down your face.

"Take her away." He says to the men holding onto you. He turns to a man dressed in all black and whispers in his ear so that you are not in earshot of him. You go with them kicking and screaming but with tears still flowing from your eyes.

They take you to a similar room, sit you on the chair, strap you in, but the same contraption onto your head, and inject some blue liquid into your arm. You scream out in pain. The pain becomes too much to the point where your body goes limp. They carry your limp body into a cell, which becomes the beginning of your life with Hydra.

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