Forgotten Family

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It had been 12 long years. 12 long years of Hydra's brainwashing and torture. 12 long years of them wiping your mind, you didn't even know what you knew anymore. You don't even remember your past, all you know is that you work for Hydra and that's it. They essentially made you the woman that you are today. Someone who goes and kills people who stood in the way of Hydra, so that Hydra can take over the world since the Winter Soldier was now gone. You had spent many months over the past several years training under the Winter Soldier until he had disappeared, now you were the one training the new Hydra agents. There was a small piece of you that knew that was wrong but if Hydra or even if Pierce knew that there was some part of you that knew that all of this was wrong, they would probably kill you and be forced to find a new agent.

You were held in a hidden glass prison cell, one that limited your powers. Hydra had built this and kept you in it since the Winter Soldier had disappeared and they didn't want their next best soldier to disappear just like the Winter Soldier did. There were a couple of Hydra's men standing guard of your cell with their backs to you. The alarms in the base are going off. You get up from the makeshift metal bed that Hydra had put in and see the two guards drop like flies. You were ready to fight whoever was coming in. The man in black with a quiver of bow and arrows approaches the glass and uses one of the guards' fingerprints and inputs a code to open the glass. You throw a couple of punches at him, which he blocks with his arms. He throws a couple of punches at you. You use your telekinetic powers on him to knock him off of his feet, he quickly gets up avoiding your blows to his face. He quickly moves behind you and puts his arm around your neck to restrict your movement.

"Who the hell are you?" You ask

"You may or may not recognize me in just a moment."

You scoff as you try to get away from his grip.

"Natasha! Now!"

A woman in all black with red hair comes around the corner and sprays your face with red dust. Your body goes limp as you try to compose yourself of your surroundings. The man slowly drops you to the floor, he nods to Natasha signaling that he should be fine from here. 

"Who are you?" Your voice cracks as you slowly get up.

Clint takes a couple deep breathes before he composes himself, "I'm your uncle, so you're my niece."

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