Chapter 63 - Along with laughter

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As the days got longer, Bucky tried to call you at least twice a day but you knew that it would be hard with the mission as well as the time difference but it didn't bother you, as long as you got to talk to him.

You also were able to get more of the wedding planning done with Laura's help but it was hard without Bucky's help cause you felt that it would be easier to make these decisions with your fiancee but with him gone, you were grateful to have your aunt help you with the wedding planning.

With his daily calls, you update him on what you've been working on with Laura and you get the update from Bucky, over what's been going on this mission, some days are a good day for him but some days it's hard and he wishes he could come home to you sooner than later but he knows that if he did come home early without telling anyone, especially Tony about it, Tony would kill him. And he didn't want to get in trouble with Tony. Bucky had a deal with Tony, where because Bucky couldn't come home early, he could call you whenever and wherever they were, as long as they weren't in the middle of a mission.

Over the next few weeks as your shoulder is healing, you start doing small training exercises to help strengthen your shoulder. On the days where you do feel good and you feel as though your shoulder isn't hurting you, you'll train with either Nat, Wanda or Peter but you just do small training exercises to help strengthen your shoulder. You also had appointments with your doctor every 6 weeks, where your doctor wanted to check your healing and progress. You became so nervous to leave the compound that you had Nat, Wanda, Laura or sometimes even Peter will go to the appointments with you. You were grateful for your friends that they were able to make time to be able to go to your appointments with you.

It was late one Friday night, you were watching a movie with your cousins, Laura, Nat, Wanda and Peter. As you were sitting on the couch, you weren't really paying much attention to the movie as you were waiting for Bucky to call you for the evening. You felt yourself zoning out while the movie played. You felt a tap on your shoulder, which got you out of your state, you turn your head to see who tapped you on the shoulder. It was Laura who was paying attention to you for the past couple minutes.

"You okay?" She mouthed.

You nod, "Yeah, I'm just waiting for Bucky to call me for the evening and I think I'm just tired."

Laura nods as well, "That makes sense. I'm sure he'll call soon."

Not long after, your phone starts to vibrate, you look down to see that it's Bucky calling you.
You quickly get up off the couch and hurry to the elevator and press the green phone button. You smile as soon as you see Bucky's face and you press the floor button that your room is on. 

"Hey!" You smile

"Hey doll!" Bucky smiles also, happy to see your face after the most frustrating day that he's had.

"Where are you?" You wonder as you walk back to your room and you see he's walking and you see Sam and Clint behind him.

"We're in Finland right now." Bucky says as he continues walking.

"Wow, how is the mission going? And what are you doing right now?" You ask once you sit down on your bed and get comfortable.

"So far, so good, we still haven't found the weapons or the girl yet. But we think we're getting close to finding the weapons. But Tony wanted us to do a team building exercise by hiking, so we're hiking right now." Bucky adds

"Nice, how's that going?" You ask

"Well, we're all either pissed or annoyed with Tony right now, so he thought it would be a good idea to go on a nature walk/hike and plus I miss you and I wanted to talk to you." Bucky admits.
You smile hearing that Bucky wanted to talk to you after all day.

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