Chapter 13 - In the midnight hour

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It had been a couple months since the Winter Soldier had now disappeared. You weren't quite ready to handle the missions on your own but the Winter Soldier had been your mentor for the past few years, so you should have handled this mission on your own but somehow you just weren't able to do this mission correctly.

Hydra had your arms and legs strapped to a chair, you knew you had messed up on this mission. 

Alexander Pierce walks in with Rumlow and Rollins. You stared straight ahead, not wanting to look Pierce in the eyes, knowing that you had failed on this mission. 

"Mission report." Pierce demanded in his usual gravelly voice.

You sit there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Mission report now." Pierce demanded again.

It took a few minutes for you to form the words to come out of your mouth. 

"I killed him right where he stood, that's what you wanted." You admit 

"I wanted it done privately with no onlookers and the blame to be put on his son." Pierce says

Pierce bends down and asks, "But what happened?"

You take a deep breath, "I killed him in an open area." 

"Yes you did. You could have been seen, now that you've become the new face of Hydra, I don't want you screwing up again, you understand?" Pierce jeered

"If you screw up again, then we'll be forced to find a new agent for Hydra." Pierce threatened. Pierce stood up straight and turned to the other agents that were forced to enforce the torture sessions, "Take her away." Pierce commanded them to take you away to wipe your mind, to train you to become a better agent for Hydra and start a painful torture session.

You wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. You look around your quickly look around your surroundings, in a cold sweat.

Clint runs to your room not long after you've waken up, "You alright?" He asks

"It was just a dream, I'm sorry." You admit as you try to take a couple deep breaths.

"It's alright, do you want me to stay in here the rest of the night?" Clint asks.

You nod as you lie back down. Clint quietly closes the door behind him and sits in the room with you. He watches over you the rest of the night, knowing that this will be the hardest part of leaving Hydra. You lie awake for a while longer until sleep had finally overcome you. 

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