Chapter 35 - Undeniable love

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As you are laying with Bucky, you decide that now is the perfect time to tell Bucky that you love him. You look up at him and notice that Bucky has his head laying against yours and his arm around your shoulder.

"Buck, you awake?" You ask quietly.

"Hmm." Bucky hums in response.

Your heart is beating out of your chest but now was a perfect time, since the team wasn't here, and plus it was quiet.

"Oh, Bucky, there is one more thing I forgot to mention."

"What is it?"

"I love you." You express

Bucky's eyes open wide, "You do?" Bucky asks, breathlessly.

You nod as you blush, "I do."

"I love you too, doll." Expresses Bucky as he looks at you with his breathtaking blue eyes.

He places his hands on either side of your face and pulls you in for a warm, passionate and heartfelt kiss, one that lets you know that he really does love you.

As the two of you are laying together in your hospital bed, Bucky places his gloved left hand in your right hand. You feel the cool leather against your warm hand. You knew that from the moment that Bucky had told you that he was the Winter Soldier and told you about his arm that he was extremely self conscious about his arm. However, he felt comfortable with telling you a lot of what has happened considering his past with HYDRA, cause he knew that you wouldn't judge him for his past and you both have gone through a lot with HYDRA. Bucky gently caresses his thumb over yours.

You both smiles as you lay your head on his chest and you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

The next morning, you wake up and see Bucky awake and Clint in your room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Clint asks quietly.

"I'm alright." You reply as you readjust yourself in the bed.

"That's good. I've missed you." Clint says as he sits on the edge of your bed. He takes your right hand into his.

"I've missed you, too." You smile

"I heard that the team came by yesterday, how did that go?" Clint asks.

"It was good. It was great to see the team again, especially Peter. How was it going home?" You sigh as you look over at Bucky, who is sitting on the bench in the room, reading.

You turn your attention back to Clint, who says, "It was good, it was good to see my family but it's not to say that I wasn't worried about you at the same time." He smiles.

You return the smile. You hear a knock on the door and see that Dr. Reid is at the door. Bucky and Clint both nod for her to come in.

"Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?" She asks

"I'm alright." You sigh

"So I wanted to come in and run some tests and to see if you'll be able to go home soon and wanted to see if you needed anything." Dr. Reid adds as she looks over your chart.

Dr. Reid walks closer to you and checks your eyes, checks your reflexes, checks your pulse. She instructs you to squeeze her fingers and have your eyes follow her finger, which you do.

"Do you feel ready to stand up and walk?"

You nod your head enthusiastically. You try to sit yourself up with your one good hand. Clint and Bucky comes over to help sit you up. As you sit up, you can feel your muscles start to stretch out as you stretch your back and your legs. As your feet hit the cold floor, you can feel a chill go through your body. You start to get up with assistance from Clint and Bucky, they let go of your hand as you stand up straight. You start walking but you feel weak because you haven't walked or used your muscles for the past couple weeks but you are able to walk around. You make it back to your bed and have Bucky and Clint help you back into the hospital bed.

"I've got good news. You'll be able to go home in just a few days. We'll just have you stay for these next few days to regain your strength and you'll be able to go home." Dr. Reid adds as she finishes typing your progress report into your chart.

"Okay, sounds good." You respond as you sit back in the bed.

"Do you need anything before I leave?" Dr. Reid asks

You shake your head.

"Alright. Let me or the nurse know if you need anything or have you questions." Dr. Reid states

"Okay, thank you." You thank her.

"You're welcome." Dr. Reid says before leaving your room, leaving you, Bucky, and Clint in your room.

"Speaking of home, I talked with Laura and the guys and we thought it would be best if you stayed with me and Laura, how do you feel about that?" Clint asks.

"I don't know, what if HYDRA were to find me again? What happens then?" Your voice trembling. You honestly don't know if HYDRA were to find you again. Of course, you knew your past with HYDRA but considering this incident, it scared you to face HYDRA again.

"I have a feeling they won't, besides my house is a safe house." Clint adds, as he places a reassuring hand on your knee. You smile but you still have that worry, although knowing that Clint's house is a safe house eases your mind a little.

"Really?" You ask, not in a disbelieving way, just in a way that reassures yourself.

Clint nods, "Yeah. When I started working for S.H.I.E.L.D., I met Laura. After we got married, we wanted a place to keep our family safe and protected. When I talked with Fury, he helped me set up our safe house, and the only people that know where our safe house is the team. And you'll be happy to hear that we invited Bucky to stay with us." Clint adds as he looks over at Bucky and back at you.

"Really?" You breathe as you look over at Bucky, who smiles and nods.

Clint nods, "Yeah, we figured it would be best to have Bucky stay with us, especially with how much he's helped you over these past couple weeks."

You smile, "Thank you."

You're incredibly grateful that Bucky is staying with you and Clint's family. You're also incredibly grateful that Bucky has stayed with you over these past couple weeks as you were in this coma.

"You're welcome." Clint replies.

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