Chapter 60 - You, Me, Us, Together

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You and Bucky spend the next little while in your shared room talking about the mission, of where the Bucky and the guys could possibly go on this mission and where they usually go, if they do know where they are going. You also talk about what could possibly happen on this mission and Bucky gets an idea.

"Why don't I talk to Tony and Steve and see if I can come home after the illegal weapons mission so that way we don't have to worry about this other half of the mission and I can come home early to help with the wedding planning?" Bucky suggests.

You think about it for a moment as you nod, "I think that's a great idea, do you think Tony would be okay with it?"

Bucky shrugs his shoulders, "It doesn't hurt to ask, but knowing Tony he might be to god damn stubborn to say "yes" and plus this other mission may be a lot shorter than we think."

"Well, here's to hoping." You add as Bucky leans in close to kiss you, grinning into the kiss, he replies, "I love you."

"I love you too, Buck." You reply as he places another gentle kiss on your lips. You watch him get off the couch to find Tony and Steve, only hoping that Tony will agree to allow Bucky to come home early.

Bucky gets up to find Tony and Steve. He would ask JARVIS where they are but he isn't one to trust technology all that easily, especially where he comes from the 1940's and all of this technology is still so new to him. He has his phone but he only really uses it to talk to you or anyone else on the team, he would rather use his instincts to find his teammates. He goes down to the meeting room, where his instincts are right, that Tony and Steve are in the meeting room, going over any last minute details for the mission. Bucky knocks on the wooden door. He hears a muffled, "come in" on the other side of the door.

Bucky slowly opens up the door and Steve looks up to see Bucky walk into the room, "Hey Buck, what's up?"

"Hey guys, I was wondering if I can talk to you guys for a minute." Bucky says as he nervously places his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"What's up, Buck?" Steve asks as he looks up to see Bucky nervously stand there.

Bucky sighs nervously, "I was wondering if I could come home after the illegal weapons mission, so that way I can be home to plan for the wedding. Honestly, this other half of the mission half of the mission feels like a trap."

Tony thinks about his response before actually responding, "I'm sorry, but you've got to come with us on this mission."

"Why? Because I know the "ins-and-outs" of Hydra?" Bucky asks, furrowing his brows.

"Essentially yes and now that this girl is involved, we've got to find her and we don't know where she is." Tony says matter-of-factly.

"Tony, you've got to admit that this feels like a set up, when has Hydra ever done this?" Bucky asks as he folds his arms close to his body, not really believing what's he's hearing but trying to get through Tony's thick skull, the point that you've made to Bucky.

"I don't know what to tell you Barnes, but you're coming on this mission." Tony says as he shrugs.

"Fine, if anything happens to me, just know that Y/N will look for me, day in and day out, with or without your help." Bucky adds through gritted teeth, walking out of the meeting room, frustrated.

There was a moment of silence before Steve spoke up, also out of frustration, for his best friend, "Why couldn't you have let this go? You know that Bucky and Y/N are supposed to be getting married here in the next few months and honestly this mission with the girl does feel like a trap."

"Look, I know that they're supposed to be married here in the next few months but I don't what to tell you but we need Barnes." Tony comments.

"Oh God, Tony..." Steve groans, "Why can't you let my best friend be happy for once in his life and just let him come home early?"

"I want Bucky to come early too and figure out his things for when he comes back but we need him for this mission."

Steve scoffs, "I really don't think you do but whatever..."

Bucky finds you in the kitchen where he walks in frustrated, taking off his jacket. You notice the frustrated look on his face, "What did Tony say?" You ask him.

He goes over to the cabinet with the different alcoholic drinks, he grabs himself a bottle and pours himself a glass.

"He said that I need to go on this mission now that there this girl is involved." Bucky says as he brings the glass cup to his lips.

He sets the cup down and sighs, "I'm sorry, doll."

You walk over to Bucky and place a gentle kiss on Bucky's lips, as you pull away you notice the sadness, guilt, and disappointment in his eyes.

"It's fine, Buck, why don't we just start planning for the wedding? And then we can FaceTime each other when you've got time in between the missions. And I can plan what I can with Laura, Nat and Wanda's help." You say as you gently caress Bucky's face.

Bucky pulls you in by placing his right hand on your neck and presses his soft lips to yours, "That sounds perfect doll." He comments as he looks at you with love and gratitude in his eyes.

You spend the rest of the afternoon with Bucky starting to go over colors that you want in the wedding.

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