Chapter 49- Joyful day like this

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The light shines through the bedroom as he slowly wakes up to hear Sam's laughter. He turns to find you still sleeping. He looks over at his clock to see what time it is. The clock reads 9:30 AM. He looks down at his metal arm to see that the drawing that you had done from the night before had smudged. He smiles as he runs his right pointer finger over the drawing. He looks over at you, still smiling. He gets up to see what all the commotion is all about. Bucky yawns as he walks into the kitchen sluggishly. He walks into the kitchen to find everyone but Bruce awake.

"Morning Buck." Steve greeted Bucky as Bucky came out your shared room.

"Morning guys." Bucky answered in a low, gruff voice

"Is Y/N still sleeping?" Laura asks

"Yeah, she is." Bucky yawns

"Okay, well we were thinking about setting up the Christmas tree after Y/N wakes up."

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll bring breakfast to her and we'll just wait until she wakes up." Bucky replies as he pours you and himself a bowl of cereal.

He grabs your bowl and walks into your shared room and finds you still asleep. He places your bowl on your nightstand and sits down on the bed next to you. He rubs your back as he watches your movements. You stir in your sleep as Bucky is still gently rubbing your back.

"Hey doll." He says softly

"Hmm" You hum in response, half asleep.

"I've got you breakfast." He added as he gently brushes your hair behind your ear.

"Okay." You mumble as you sit up, still half-asleep. You rub your eyes as you sit up. Bucky hands you your bowl.

"You feeling okay?" Bucky asks as he places his right hand on your forehead.

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine, I'm just really tired." You respond sleepily

"Are you feeling okay from last night?" Bucky asks as he places a hand on your thigh and gently caresses your thigh.

You nod as you bring the spoonful of cereal to your mouth, "Yeah, it was just that my shoulder was hurting last night. It got really bad so I took one of the pain medication that Dr. Reid prescribed to me but I guess I didn't realize that it would make me so drowsy, although I do remember her telling me that."

Bucky chuckles, "Are you still tired?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go back to sleep after I eat." You yawn

"Okay, well Laura wants to set up the Christmas tree once you get up." Bucky responded as he got up from the bed. He bent down to gently kiss you on the lips. You kiss him back after you set your bowl down and link your hands behind his head. He kisses you a couple more times. He pulls away with love in his eyes.

"I love you." Bucky breathed as he pulls you in for another kiss.

"I love you too." You say as you smile. You hurry and finish your cereal so you can go back to sleep. You hand the bowl back to Bucky and lie down. Bucky gently strokes your hair as you fall back to sleep.

Bucky leaves your shared room, gently closing the door behind him. He finds everyone just sitting around and talking. He places the bowl in the sink and goes to sit by Steve and Sam.

"How's Y/N feeling?" Nat asks

"She's fine, she was in a lot of pain last night, so she ended up taking one of the pain medication that Dr. Hawkins prescribed and it's just made her really drowsy." Bucky sighs

"She's strong and she's been through a lot." Laura adds as she looks up from her game with the kids.

"Yeah she has, and I'm grateful to have her in my life. I honestly don't know what I would have done if her condition got worse. I love her more than life itself." He responds with admiration in his voice.

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