Chapter 32- Better with you

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The morning before Clint comes back, around 2 am, you can feel your mind want to pull you back into the darkness of the coma but your body starts to fight as you open your eyes, your vision is blurry. As your vision clears, you look around your surroundings and don't recognize where you are. You look down and notice that your left shoulder is bandaged up and your arm is in a sling.

You look over to your right and see a man resting his head on his arms as he's holding onto your right hand. You immediately recognize that it's Bucky. You slowly pull away your hand to caress Bucky's face and gently move his hair away from his eyes. It takes a few minutes before you finally wake him up.
"Y/N?" Bucky asks as his voice cracks.
"Yeah." You say breathlessly, as you get choked up.

Bucky immediately gets up to hug you. He was careful to not the weight of his body not crush your body or hurt your arm. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, the both of you start crying and hold each other for a few minutes. You take in his warmth, his strength and the comfort of his body close to yours. You also take in his scent of bergamot, cedar wood, ginger, white pepper and vetiver. You've missed him. You may not realize what has happened and why but you're grateful that the one person who was there when you woke up was your boyfriend, Bucky.

Bucky takes your face in both of his hands and pulls you in to kiss you. His soft lips touches yours. His kiss was soft, warm, affectionate and longing. He pulls away and leans his head against yours and says, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Buck." You reply with tears in your eyes, you look around and ask, "Buck, where am I? What happened?"

"You've been in a coma for the past couple weeks because some HYDRA agents attacked you and now you're in the hospital."

"How did HYDRA attack me?"

"Well, Rumlow and his men shot you and another agent strangled you to the point where you passed out."

You look around the room and ask Bucky, "Where's Clint?"

"He went down to his house for the week but he'll be back tomorrow."

You bring your hand to his face and gently caress his face and notice the dark circles under his eyes. He leans his head into your touch and closes his eyes.

"Have you been sleeping?" You wonder as you watch his expression.

Bucky gently shakes his head as he opens his eyes back up, "No, I haven't."

"Why? What's been going on?" You ask sincerely.

"I've been having nightmares of losing you and I've been worried about you since you've been in this coma." Bucky responds tiredly.

You nod as you try to scoot over with your right hand.

"What are you doing?" Bucky asks as he watches you.

"I'm trying to scoot over so you can lay with me."

"Doll, I don't think this bed is big enough for the both of us."

"Buck, you haven't slept in over, what? The past couple weeks? I want to help you in any way I can like you've helped me."

Bucky chuckles and gets up to shift you in the bed by just a little bit and lays in the bed with you. His legs are hanging off the bed, which he doesn't mind as long as he's laying next to you again, is all that matters. You snuggle onto him with your head laying on his chest and his arm around you.

The both of you quickly fall asleep as Bucky holds you close.

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