Chapter 21 - Life or Death

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Your face drains of all color as you see Rumlow and Rollins walk in with other Hydra agents.

"Y/N, you okay?" Nat asks, worried.

"Yeah, you look like you've seen a ghost," Wanda states as she watches your eyes go wide.

You shake your head as you are finally paying attention to your friends, "Uhh... yeah... I think I just saw Rumlow and Rollins walk in with other Hydra agents." You trembled as you keep watching Rumlow and Rollins instruct them to find you, "Find the girl, dead or alive." Rumlow instructs in his usual low, gravely voice.

Nat and Wanda look around and see Rumlow and Rollins walk in trying to find you, at least you think it's you, "Run! Wanda and I have got it from here! Call one of the guys and tell them about the situation!" Nat yells as she pulls out her guns.

You scramble to get on your feet but you watch for a few moments as Wanda and Nat get up to fight off Rumlow and Rollins. You see Wanda uses her powers and Nat is pulling the triggers on her guns as the Hydra agents try to approach you. You run in the same direction as the other people who are running outside of the restaurant.

"Get out of the way!" You scream as you are running away from the Hydra agents who are after you.

As you are running, you feel a bullet go through your shoulder. You had noticed that you had just gotten shot. You got shot in the shoulder by one of the Hydra agents. You nearly collapse on the ground but you are able to hide behind one of the cars that were parked on the side of the road. You gasp and breathe heavily as you feel the blood pooling through your fingers. Your mind didn't even process that you were just shot, you knew you needed to get outside and call either Clint or Bucky. 

Your breathing becomes shaky as you pull out your phone. You are clutching your shoulder as you dial Bucky's phone number. You pull your trembling bloody hand away from your shoulder to see the blood pouring out from your shoulder. The phone rings only once and Bucky picks up the phone.

"Hey doll, what's going on?" Bucky asks in his usual calm voice, one that would usually calm you right at the moment but now was not the time to think about that.

"Buck, I just got shot, I saw Rumlow and just started running." You breathe shakily as more blood pools from your gunshot wound and your body was just about to go into shock.

"Okay, where are you? I'll be right there with the guys." Bucky asks

"I'm across the street from the pizzeria on Elm street." You gasped as the pain was starting to become unbearable.

"Okay, doll, stay right there," Bucky advised as he goes downstairs to tell the guys that they need to rescue you.

"Okay, hurry Buck." Your voice trembles out of fear.

Bucky ends the call, "Shit!" He mutters under his breath.

Bucky runs downstairs and yells, "Guys! Y/N is in trouble!"

Clint quickly stands up, "Okay! Let's go!" 

They all run and get onto the Quinjet and fly to your exact location, they arrive in just a few minutes.

As they fly in, they see more guys in black flood in fighting Wanda and Nat and you see a man approach you, a big muscly guy, with tattoos down his arm, grabbing you by the throat and lift you in the air, you wince in pain but also gasp for air, you try to get his hands off your neck with your one working arm.

"So you're the one that escaped? You're even prettier in person, too bad Pierce will be delighted to find you dead." The man says in a gravelly voice as he tightens his grip around your neck.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see another man approaching you. You somehow knew that the man that was approaching you was Bucky.

"Bucky." You mouth desperately as the grip of the man got tighter around your neck. Your vision starts to become blurry. You close your eyes as the shock finally overcomes your body.

"Let her go," Bucky says angrily.

"Or what?" The Hydra agent sneers over at Bucky as his grip tightens around your neck until you pass out. 

Bucky speaks into his earpiece, which they all have when they are on a mission, "Clint! Take the shot!" 

Clint shoots an arrow through his head, he lets go of you. You collapse onto the grass and pass out from all the shock that your body has gone through.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Bucky asks as he rushes over to you, where you lay on the ground, "Clint! We need to take her to the hospital! She's passed out!" He exclaims into the earpiece 

"Okay! Go with her to the hospital, I already called 911 to have a helicopter come get her. We'll meet you there!" Clint tells Bucky as he continues to fight off the other Hydra agents.

"Alright," Bucky answers as he kneels by your unconscious body, waiting for the life-flight helicopter. 

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