Chapter 44-Date night

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"So I've got a special night planned for the both of us tonight." Bucky beamed

"Really? Does this have to do with what we talked about the other night?" You wonder

Bucky shakes his head, "No, I figured that we needed a night together and I realized that I haven't taken you on a proper date since we've been together and we'll have the house to ourselves."

"Really?" You reply

Bucky returns the smile and nods, "Yeah, I talked with Laura and she said that they needed a night out as a family before the team comes to visit for Thanksgiving. So now was the perfect time for them to do that."

You smile, "Okay."

You quickly shower and walk out of the bathroom in a clean t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. You walk out of the bathroom and find Bucky on the bed reading a book. You go into your closet and you're trying to find the right outfit for tonight, you get frustrated and walk out of the closet.


"Yeah?" He says looking up from his book

"I need help picking out an outfit for tonight."

He laughs as he says and places his book down, "Alright, I'll do my best."

He comes into the closet with you and looks through your outfits and finds the perfect outfit, which was a white shirt and a black skirt for you. "How about this one?"

You hold up the outfit against your chest and hips and admire it through the large mirror hanging in your closet. You hold it up to your neck and admire it.

"It's perfect." You say as you place the dress back on the bar. You link your hands around Bucky's neck and kiss him on the lips, "I love you Bucky."

"I love you too." He says as he kisses you back.

You walk into the kitchen with Bucky, with your hands interlocked together, and see Laura and the kids in the kitchen.

"Morning guys."

"Morning Y/N, morning Bucky, how are you feeling?" Laura turns to you and Bucky as the both of you walk into the kitchen and smiles.

"Better." You reply as you look up at Bucky and back at Laura, smiling.

"That's good."

You sit down and eat breakfast and then Lila comes and brings you a picture.

"Thank you Lila." You say as you hug her, she whispers in your ear, "I made one for Bucky too, will you tell him?"

"Of course." You turn to Bucky and whisper to him, "Lila drew you a picture."

He turns to Lila and accepts the picture and says, "Thank you Lila." She giggles as she runs off to play.

After breakfast, you and Bucky go back to your shared room. You lay out your outfit for the night and decide to do your hair now before you actually do get ready for the night. As you patiently wait for your hair straightener to heat up, Laura comes in, "knock, knock."


"Hey, how are you feeling about tonight?"

"Oh, I'm so excited."

"I bet you are, did Bucky tell you that we're going to be gone for the evening?"

"Yeah he did, what are you guys going to do tonight?"

"Well, we got a hotel room for the night and we're going to go out to dinner, probably watch a movie, just spend the night together as a family."

"That'll be fun."

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