Chapter 38- Changes in the season

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Over the next several months as you're healing the Avengers come to visit you either altogether or several at a time. You hear about the missions they have gone on and the projects Peter is working on with Tony. Luckily Bucky hasn't been needed to go on the missions so he's stayed with you to help you but your uncle Clint has. On the nights where either your nightmares, Bucky's nightmares, or even both of your nightmares get worse, you go outside, set up a blanket, and cuddle each other while watching the night sky.  You start to feel better a little bit better day by day. You have pain every now and then but it isn't consistent. As the cooler months come, there is excitement in the air, and the leaves outside are changing colors as it gets cooler. Nat and Wanda bring you warmer clothing as they come to visit you. One day you are sitting in the kitchen drinking a mug of hot apple cider and you are in the kitchen with Laura, Bucky, and Clint.

"What are we doing for Thanksgiving?" Laura asks Clint

"I don't know, what were you thinking?" Clint responds as he takes a sip of his apple cider.

"Well, I was thinking we could invite the team to stay with us for Thanksgiving." Laura adds

"Yeah, that sounds perfect, I'll talk to Tony when he comes by tomorrow." Clint replies.

"Alright." Laura smiles

Tony, Bruce and Peter come by the next day to visit you as well as to check on you've been healing. Bruce brings a small x-ray machine that can send the results straight to Dr. Reid.

"Hey Y/N! How are you feeling?" Peter asks as he hugs you.

"I'm good, how are you?" You smile as the both of you walk inside to the house.

"I'm good, I've been keeping myself busy by working on more projects with Mr. Stark and Mr. Banner." Peter grins

"That's awesome! What's your next project that you're working on?" You ask as you sit down on the couch.

"I'm making some more updates to my suit as well as learning more about Tony's technology, it's actually super cool!" Peter exclaims as he sits down on the couch, opposite of you.

A few minutes later after Bruce comes inside the house with a metal briefcase and clears his throat, you turn to him and smile, "Hey Bruce, what's up?"

"I was wondering where your room is, so I can set this up." Bruce says as he lifts up the metal briefcase.

"It's down the hall to the right." You add as you point down the hall.

Bruce nods as he walks down to your room. You turn to Peter who is looking down at his feet nervously.

"Peter, what's on your mind?" You ask sincerely

"So I wanted to ask you about a crush that I have on this girl and I would ask Ned about her but you know how Ned is and I would ask Bucky but," He looks nervously over at Bucky, who glances back at you and Peter and smiles, "Bucky still kind of intimates me, although I've seen how he was with you ever since you've been in your coma but knowing he was the Winter Soldier, still kind of intimates me." Peter whispers.

You smile sympathetically, "So what's going on?"

Peter sighs, and rubs the back of his neck nervously, "There's this girl named MJ, who I like a lot. She is super nice, she used to keep her distance but we've spent some nights just hanging out and she and I have opened up to each other a lot. She can pretty serious at times but other times, especially after we've opened up to each other, she's actually super funny. We would FaceTime each other almost every night, talking about school or about stuff that we like."

"So what does she like?" You ask eagerly

"She enjoys reading. She is super smart, like extremely smart." He looks around nervously and leans in and whispers, "She actually found out that I was Spider man not too long ago, but don't tell Tony that."

You shake your head and chuckle, "I promise, I won't."

He smiles as he leans back in the couch, knowing he can trust you, "But how do I tell her that I love her? Cause every time I'm around her, I can't help but smile and I actually enjoy spending time with her and she is genuinely proud of me for saving the world but what do I tell her? And what if she doesn't feel the same?"

You smile as you think about that night that you told Bucky that you loved him, "Have you guys been on any recent dates?"

"Yeah, she and I went to dinner and the movies the other night."

Before you respond, Bruce walks into the living room and tells you that he's ready for you. You tell Peter that you'll be right back. You nod as you get up and walk with Bruce to your room. Bucky notices you walking in the direction of your shared room and walks with you. As you walk into your room, you find a gigantic metal plate lying on your bed and an overhead x-ray machine.

"I'll just have you lie down and I'll program the machine to scan your shoulder and it'll send the results straight to Dr. Reid." Bruce explains as he programs the x-ray machine.

You nod as you lie down on the metal plate.  As you lay down you almost feel the metal against your skin through  the thin t-shirt that you're wearing which sends a chill down your spine. You rest your head on the head rest of the metal plate.

"Have you been in any pain lately?" Bruce asks

You shrug as you look up at your room ceiling, "I've been okay, I haven't been in extreme pain but nothing too major"

"Okay, sounds good." Bruce replies as he is still inputing the settings on the x-ray machine.

He instructs you to lay still and take a deep breath in as he takes a scan. You breath out as instructed and he takes another scan. You do that a couple more times until Bruce feels like he's got enough images of your shoulder to send to Dr. Reid.

"Alright, I'm done and I'll send these off to Dr. Reid." He states as you sit up.

You nod as you readjust your shirt, "Thanks Bruce."

Bruce nods as you walk out of your room with Bucky as you close your door, Bucky gently grabs a hold of your wrist, "Hey, you okay?" He whispers

"Yeah, why do you ask?" You whisper

"I'm just checking, cause I know you, you tend to hide how you're really feeling." Bucky adds as he looks at you with his alluring blue eyes, searching your eyes for your truth behind your eyes.

You smile gently and place a kiss on Bucky's soft lips to reassure him, "I'm fine, Buck. I promise if I was in pain, I would let you know and plus I've got the medication that Dr. Reid prescribed to me in case I was in any extreme pain."

Bucky gently places an intimate kiss on your forehead and then places a passionate kiss on your lips. He rests his forehead against yours and nods, "Okay, sorry I just worry about you."

You smile gratefully, "I love you, Buck."

He kisses you again, "I love you too."

Clint and Laura sit down at the kitchen island and Clint asks Tony, "Tony, we were wondering if you and the rest of the team wanted to come by for Thanksgiving and stay with us for a few days."

"Yeah, we would love to come." Tony nods as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Perfect." Clint replies

Later that day you hang out with Lila and Laura as Clint, Bucky, and the boys work on the yard by raking up the leaves. You spend the last little bit of sunlight with Bucky and your cousins playing in the leaves. Jumping in the leave piles and just having fun with your boyfriend and cousins. You are enjoying the time together and realize that you haven't had this much in who knows how long. Later that evening, you spend the evening with Bucky just watching a show. Bucky pauses the show.

"Buck, why'd you pause it?" You ask

"Well, doll, there is something that I wanted to talk to you about." Bucky states as he readjusts his position but with his arm still around you.

"Yeah?" You wonder

"I wanted to talk to you about us and the idea of marriage." Bucky adds as he looks down at you.

"Really?" You ask as you sit up eye-level with Bucky.

Bucky nods, "Yeah, it's something that I've thought about for a while, and I think we're in a time in our relationship where we're ready to talk about it."

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