Chapter 40 - Enagement preparations

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He decides to text Sam, Steve, Wanda, and Nat in a group text about the proposal.

He notices the time on the alarm clock, the time on the clock shown was 12:10 AM He puts down his phone and tries to fall asleep but his mind keeps thinking about the proposal and everything. He turns on the lamp on his bedside table. You moved in your sleep to your side with your back to him. Bucky gets up to grab a book out of his bag and gets back onto the bed and reads for a while, he turns on his white noise on his phone and changes it to rain and thunder, there was something comforting to him about rain and thunder. As he turned to the page that he was reading, you turned back on your other side to face Bucky still asleep. He reads his book and notices the clock, the clock says 2:35. He puts down his book and pulls you in and holds you, you snuggle into his warm chest and sigh. He finally falls asleep with his head resting on yours.

You wake up and look at the clock, the time showing on the clock was 10:00 AM, you look over to see Bucky still sleeping. You get up and go to the bathroom and You change into a simple sweater with a pair of leggings. You grab your phone and walk into the kitchen where you find Clint, Laura and the kids in the kitchen.

"Morning guys." You say as you walk into the kitchen.

"Morning Y/N, how'd you sleep?" Laura says

"I slept really well, how did you guys sleep?"

"Really well." Clint and Laura say together, they look at each other and laugh.

"So do we have any plans today?" You ask

"Well we're going into town with the kids to buy stuff for Thanksgiving among other things but other than that no, why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering." You shrug your shoulders as you sit down at the kitchen table.

"Do you want breakfast?" Laura asks as she gets up from the table

"Yeah that would be great."


Laura grabs you a plate of biscuits and gravy with hash browns.

"Thanks Laura." You say as she hands you your plate

"You're welcome."

You eat your breakfast and go outside to sit on the porch, you listen to music as you are feeling the cool autumn air on your skin. You watch a car pull out of the driveway and drive around the front of the house. Laura rolls down the passenger window of the car as they stop in front of the porch, "Do you need anything?"

"No I think I'm good, but thanks anyway, have fun!"

"Okay." She says before she rolls up the passenger window and drives away. Laura and the kids waves goodbye. You wave as they drive away. You sit on the porch for a while and then you hear footsteps come from the inside to the outside. You look down at your phone, the time that is shown is 11:30 AM

"Morning doll." Bucky yawns as he comes out rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

You look up at him and smile. "Hey sleepy head."

He sits down next to you and puts his around you, "So Steve texted me last night and told me that he and Sam are coming over."

You smile, "Okay."

You look over at Bucky and notice his stubble growing in, you gently stroke his chin and smile, "I like your stubble, I think you should grow out your facial hair."
"Oh yeah?" He chuckles
You hum in response and rest your head on his shoulder, "How did you sleep?"
Bucky sighs, "Not great, I didn't end up sleeping until 2:30 this morning."
"How come, is it cause of the nightmares?" You ask sincerely
He shakes his head, "No, I just couldn't fall asleep until 2:30."
You hum in response as you close your eyes for a moment and listen to the birds chirping in the early afternoon of the day.

You spend the rest of the morning, just cuddling and listening to music until you hear the low hum of the Quinjet. The both of you watch as the Quinjet lands. Bucky gets up to greet Steve and Sam.

"Hey guys." Bucky greets the both of them.

"Hey Buck." Steve says as he hugs Bucky.

"Hey Bucky, how are you doing?" Sam asks as he walks up with Steve.

"I'm good, didn't sleep well last night, but that's okay."

"Is it the nightmares again?" Steve asks

"Actually no, I've noticed since I've been with Y/N, I haven't had my nightmares as much."

"That's good, how is Y/N?" Steve asks

"She's good. Tony, Bruce and Peter came by the other day and it was a good visit for Peter and Y/N and Bruce came over to get the x-ray done for Dr. Reid, we'll probably have an online appointment here in the next few days, at least before Thanksgiving or maybe after, depending on Dr. Reid's schedule." Bucky adds as they all walk together to see you on the porch.

"Have you told her that we are leaving this afternoon?" Sam asks

"No, I haven't figured out what I'm going to tell her." Bucky whispers

"Well you better think of something fast." Sam states

"Yeah, I'll figure something out."

All three of them arrive on the porch, Sam and Steve give you a hug and sit on the patio seating, Bucky sits down next to you with his arm around you.

"How are you feeling?" Steve asks

"I'm doing okay, how are you guys doing?"

"We're good, there is a lot of excitement about coming down here for Thanksgiving." Steve says

"I'm excited too, I can't wait to see all of you guys." You say

Bucky looks down at his watch and says, "Do you guys want anything for lunch?"

"I'm good with anything." Sam says

"Same here." Steve says

"Yeah, I'm good with anything too." You say as he gets up to go inside and makes lunch.

"So Y/N, have you done anything fun lately?" Sam asks

You shake your head, "Not much, just hanging with Bucky and my cousins."

"Have you spent any time out of the house?" Steve inquires

You shake your head again and laugh nervously, "No and honestly I think I'm too nervous to even leave the house at this point."

"That makes sense." Steve nods

Bucky comes back with a plate of sandwiches, "I've got lunch."

He sits down next to you and sets the plate in front of you. You grab a sandwich and start eating.

"Thanks Bucky." Steve says as he grabs a sandwich. You guys were sitting and talking about what has been happening at the Compound over the past few weeks as well as the missions that they have been on as well as the training regimen that Tony has them doing.

As you guys are all talking together and notice Steve on his phone and then Bucky and then Sam were looking down at their phones.

"Uhh, doll?"


"I have to go to a last-minute team meeting with Steve and Sam. I'll be gone all afternoon, but I'll be back tonight."

"Are you sure? Do you have to go?"

"Yeah, but I'll be back tonight, okay?" He leans in to kiss you, you kiss him back.

You nod

"Bye Y/N, we'll see you later," Sam says

"Bye Y/N," Steve says before they both get up and follow Bucky onto the Quinjet. You say your goodbyes to all three of them. You wave them goodbye and listen to your music. You grab your phone and walk back into the house. You sit down on the couch and turn on a tv show, you decide to watch Psych, it looked interesting enough.

After a couple of hours of watching Psych, you also think about the box of memorabilia that Clint has for you from your parents and that it'll be a perfect time for you to go through it.

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