Chapter 39- Worthy of you

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The both of you talk about everything from possible places and possible dates to where you would want to get married. As well as everything that you both would want in your wedding. Like who would be Bucky's best man and who would be your bridesmaids. You also talk about possible color schemes for which time of year you would possibly get married. As well as if anything were to happen to either one of you, what either one of you would do in the situation and where you both would want to live after getting married, and if the both of you would stay with the Avengers if the time comes to where you would end up starting a family.

"If and only if I get captured by Hydra again, would you still wait to marry me?" Bucky asks

"Of course, Buck." You blush.

"Do we want kids in the future?" Bucky asks as he places his hands into yours.

"I would love to have kids but Bucky there's something that you should know."

"What is it?" Bucky wonders

"I haven't done it before." You hid your face in your hands

He takes your hands and lifts your head with his forefinger to meet your eyes with his. "Doll, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm totally fine waiting until after we get married but would you be okay with waiting for a couple years until we finally start trying?"

"Of course, Buck. Especially with Hydra still around, I don't want our kids to be put through the same ordeal that we've had to go through." You reassure Bucky.

In the meantime, you were looking at engagement rings. Excited for the day that you possibly will be getting married to Bucky.

A couple hours later you hear a knock on your door, "Come in!" You exclaim

You see the door opening and Laura at the door, "Hey, what's up?" You ask as she comes in.

"It's time for dinner." Laura says

"Okay, we'll be there in a minute." You smile. Laura nods and leaves your room, leaving you and Bucky in the room.

You get up and extend your hand for Bucky to take. Bucky places his hand into yours and the both of you walk into the kitchen and smell the delicious aroma of what Laura had made for dinner which was beef stew.

You and Bucky sit down next to each other at the kitchen table with your family and you all start talking about Thanksgiving plans and what you'll make for Thanksgiving, "Perfect, we'll go into town tomorrow to buy everything."

"Alright, sounds good." Clint answers

"Would you like to go into town with us, Y/N?" Laura turns and asks you

You shake your head and smile, "No, I think I'm okay, you guys enjoy the day together."

"Okay." Laura smiles.

You spend the rest of the evening playing games with your family after dinner. You notice the time and tell Bucky that you're going to bed.

"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes." Bucky says as you place a kiss on his lips.

"Alright, goodnight Clint." You add as you hug Clint.

"Goodnight Y/N." Clint says as he gives you a tight, warm hug.

Bucky waits until you close the door to your room. He turns to Clint who is looking down at his phone for a moment.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, what's up Barnes?" Clint says as he places his phone down on the table.

"I wanted to ask you for your permission in marrying Y/N."

"Okay Bucky, well, I didn't know you were so traditional."

"Come on Barton, you know I'm from the '40s, so I've got to keep some of that tradition with me," Bucky says as he laughs.

Clint laughs and says, "true, true."

Clint clears his throat and says, "I can see how much you both love each other as well as how much guys want the best for each other, even if the decision is hard. I also see how you've treated my family as well as Y/N with respect. Nowadays that's hard to come by. I'm grateful that she has found a guy like you. And I know how hard it's been with your past, with you being the Winter Soldier and everything, but I'm proud of how far you've come. So that's why I give you my blessing."

"Thanks Clint." Bucky says as he shakes his hand.

"Do you have a ring picked out?"

"No, I don't even know where to look."

"Wish I could help you there, we don't have a ring store out here."

"Not even nearby?"

"No, when I talked with SHIELD about finding something "off the grid" I didn't realize how "off the grid" it would be."

"How are you guys going to go shopping tomorrow?"

"Well, we're going to take the kids in the morning and it's about an hour and a half drive out to the nearest grocery store, so when we go, we like to stock up and we have a storage basement for that reason."

"Ahh that makes sense."

After a while when Bucky doesn't come in, you hear Bucky and Clint still talking, You open the door and pop your head through the cracked door, "Hey Buck, you still coming?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'm still talking with Clint, so it'll be another few minutes."

"Okay." You say and you close the door, you sit back down on your chair and wonder what they're talking about.

Bucky was relieved that you didn't walk in when Clint was talking to you about his permission to marry you.

"Talk to Laura and see what she says about rings and stuff."

"Okay and I'll definitely talk with Nat and Wanda as well."

"Okay perfect."

"Are you going to let the rest of the team know?"

"I'm probably going to tell Steve, Sam, Nat and Wanda know."

"Okay, sounds good."

"When you tell Laura, tell her to keep the proposal secret around Y/N. I don't want Y/N knowing that I'm proposing to her."

"Okay. Do you have a day on when you're proposing?"

"I was thinking either a day or two before Thanksgiving, when everyone is in town."

"Okay, sounds good, I'm going to go to bed."

"Okay, me too, thanks again Clint."

"No problem." He says before he heads upstairs and Bucky heads back to your room. He opens the door to find you sketching in your sketchbook and listening to music. You look up at him and pause your music.


"Hey doll."

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, just guy stuff."


"Yeah, trust me it was just guy stuff and any upcoming missions that we have."

"So do you have any?"

"No, I know that Clint does right in the beginning of December but I believe it's only for a day or so, nothing longer than that."


"I'm going to get ready for bed." He says before he goes into the bathroom

He gets ready for bed and comes out in sweats and a t-shirt. He climbs into bed with you and holds you close. You fall asleep as you listen to his slow heartbeat.

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