Chapter 48- Thankful

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Thor came by early to help set up. You were all enjoying each other's company, listening to music. Not long after it came time to finally eat. You all sit around the table, with Bucky on your right and Peter on your left. Clint stands up and clears his throat. "I just want to say how grateful I am for each and every one of you. Especially my family. I'm incredibly grateful for each and every one of my kids. I'm grateful for Laura and how beautiful and strong she is and has been over these past few years since I've been an Avenger. I'm grateful for Y/N, that she's alive and well, although she has gone through a roller coaster this year. I'm grateful for S.H.I.E.L.D. that they made it possible for all of this." Clint says with his outstretched hands, "I honestly don't know how I would have made it through this year without each and every one of you. Alright, we'll go around the table saying what we're grateful for."

Everyone takes their turn saying what their grateful for and then it gets to your turn. You clear your throat, "Like my Uncle Clint said, I'm incredibly grateful for all of you and how much you've helped me this year. I'm incredibly grateful for my amazing fiancé, who has helped me in more ways than he can imagine. I'm grateful for my Uncle Clint and my Aunt Laura, for opening their home to me and I'm grateful to have them as my family but I'm also incredibly grateful to have you guys as my second family." You look over at Bucky and giggle.

Bucky shifts in his seat and takes his hand in yours, looks you in the eye, and says, "I'm also incredibly grateful for my amazing fiancé, who has also helped me in more ways than she can imagine as well. But I'm also incredibly grateful for you all and that I get to call you my friends."

You and Bucky were the last people to say what you were thankful for. You all turn to Clint who is holding knives to carve the turkey, "Let's eat!" He exclaims excitedly.

You all enjoy each other's company and eat until you all get into a food coma. You help clean up. By the time you are done, you're laying in Bucky's arms on the couch, "I don't think I've ever eaten this much food before." You chuckle. After the dinner, you all gather in the living room and play games. You notice that Steve is in the bathroom, you nudge Bucky on the shoulder, "Hey, do we want to scare Steve?"

Bucky looks around to see if Steve is around and looks back at you, "Yeah, let's do it." He gets up and grabs your hand, you both hide in the hallway next to the bathroom. You're recording the reaction while Bucky stands behind you. You both hear the click of the lock. Steve opens the door and just as he goes down the hall, you both jump out and yell, "Steve!!" He doubled over from laughter, hand close to his chest. You stopped recording, both you and Bucky just laugh. Everyone turns their head to see what happened but they just see you, Bucky and Steve walking out of the hall, laughing.

"What just happened?" Wanda asked

"We just scared Steve." You say through fits of laughter

"I gotta admit, you guys scared me pretty good." He admits as he continues to laugh

Laura sends her kids upstairs. Soon it's just the adults hanging around the living room. You spent the rest of the evening wrapped in Bucky's arms, close and secure.

"What do you guys want to do? Play a game or watch a movie?" Tony asks

"Let's play Truth or Dare! Y/N hasn't played Truth or Dare with us yet." Nat smirks

"Okay, truth or dare?" Tony asks everyone 

"Let's do it!" Clint answered

"Well you guys have fun, I'm going to go to bed." Laura added as she got up from the couch. She kissed Clint before heading upstairs.

"I'm going to go to bed as well." May says as she gets up and goes to her and Peter's shared room.

You all settle on a place in the living room, Tony rubs his hands together and asks, "Who would like to start?"

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