Chapter 33 - Sea of thoughts

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Bucky wakes up well before you. He knew that you would definitely need your sleep after being in a coma for the past couple of weeks. However, he was grateful that you were finally awake and that you remembered him. That was something he worried about, that you would wake up with amnesia, and that it would take a while for you to remember him, the team, and even Clint. He was grateful that he was able to lay with you for at least a few hours and get some well-needed rest.

He gets up to call Clint and tell him that you're finally awake. The phone rings only a couple of times until Clint picks up the other end. 

"Hello?" Clint answers on the other end of the line.

"Hey, Clint. Sorry, did I wake you?" Bucky asks 

"No, I've been up for a while. What's up?"

"I just called to let you know that Y/N is finally awake, she's been awake since 2 this morning but she's been resting since this morning."

"How is she? Did she remember anything before she woke up?"

"She seems to be doing okay. No, she didn't, I ended up telling her everything that happened."

"Okay, that's good to hear that she's doing okay and that she's finally awake." Clint breathes a sigh of relief on the other end of the line, "Has Dr. Reid come in and talk with her yet?" Clint asks.

"No, I'll let you know when she does and what she says." Bucky replies as he looks over at you.

"Okay, sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow." Clint replies.

"Okay, sounds good. See you tomorrow." Bucky concludes.

Bucky ends the call with Clint and immediately dials Steve's number. As soon as Bucky dials Steve's phone number, Steve picks up on the other end.

"Hey Buck, what's up?" Steve greets on the other end of the line.

"Hey Steve. I'm calling to let you know that Y/N's awake, she's been awake since 2 am this morning."

"That's great Buck! How is she feeling?"

"She seems to be doing okay. She's just resting right now."

"Okay, sounds good. Do you want me to tell the team?"

"Yeah. I mean if you want to."

"Okay. Are you alright with us coming by later?"

"It's up to her. I mean I think she'd be okay with it. I'lll ask her when she wakes up and I'll let you know." 

"Alright Buck, keep me posted." 

"Alright, I will. Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later, Buck." 

Bucky ends the call waits for you to wake up.

You slowly wake up and notice the time on the clock hanging on the wall opposite you, 10:00 am 

You yawn as you look over and see Bucky awake.

"Hey." You yawn again.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Bucky asks

"I'm alright." You try to shrug, "How'd you sleep?" You ask

"A lot better, thank you." Bucky thanks you as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.

"You're welcome." You breathe as you both pull away from the kiss. 

"So I called Clint and Steve and told them that you're awake. The team wants to come by later tonight, hope you're okay with that."

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