Chapter 8 - Guilt

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"Do you remember much before you were captured?" Clint asks

You shake your head, "What happened?"

"It was your 13th birthday ad you were living with my parents at the time, and I was going to take you out for birthday. My parents were running errands but you were gone." Clint explained

"How did you know it was Hydra?" You ask 

"They had left a stamp with their symbol on it."

"Do you know why Hydra captured me? They never really told me why they did, all they said the day that I was captured was that I had something that I wanted." You wondered 

Clint shook his head, "No I don't, but my guess is that they knew that your parents worked for Hydra and wanted you for your powers."

"Do you know why my parents worked for Hydra?" You ask

Clint shook his head, "No, they never told me why and I'm sorry."

"For what?" You ask sincerely

"I'm sorry I wasn't there all this time to protect you. I can't help but feel guilty for everything. If I was there right in that moment, then you wouldn't have been in this situation and I'm sorry."

You smile sympathetically and hold his hand into yours, "It's okay. I forgive you, and I'm just grateful to be alive."

Clint squeezes your hand softly and smiles, "Me too."

You think for a moment about your life concerning Hydra and everything that has happened since then and you also think about your parents. 

"What were my parents like?" You ask

Clint sits down near you on the bed and holds your hand, he sighs and says, "Well, your dad was an extrovert and very charismatic, he was also very witty, so he had the best comebacks but your mom was very sweet but very quiet, she had a calming nature about her, she was gracious in whatever she did."

You laugh as he laughed, "But once they started working for Hydra, everything changed. You were their pride and joy but you can tell Hydra had a hold on them." Clint continues

"Well, if I was their pride and joy, then why would they have done what they had done?"

"Honestly, honey, I don't know. I wish I had known, they never really told us why they joined Hydra and they wouldn't tell us as to what was going on with their lives besides what was happening with you." Clint replies

 You nod sadly as you wonder what your life would have been like if Hydra wasn't around, maybe you would have been happy, you wouldn't have had to go through all the torture that you had gone through. The thought of you being with Hydra angers you, you were angry at the thought that they had essentially taken away your innocence and your childhood. No thirteen- year-old should have had to go through what you've had to go through and a little angry with your parents, with the impact that they have had on your life. You know that maybe it wasn't their fault for what happened to you, but the fact that they were part of Hydra when they died and that maybe the reason that they had captured you was because of your parents. You have a million thoughts about your parents run through your head but you can't help but ask this one question, "How did my parents die?"

Clint sighs, "Well, they said that they were going on a "business trip" for work and the police told us not long after they told us that they died by a drunk driver, which I didn't believe cause they were working for HYDRA when they died but I had to believe it for my parents."

You nod sadly and wondered what happened that lead to your parents death and wonder if your parents working for Hydra was ever really worth it for them. You also wonder what really led them to work for Hydra. 

"Is everything alright?" Clint asks 

You nod, "Yeah, I'm just thinking of was it all really worth for my parents to work for Hydra?" 

Clint sighs and shrugs, "Honestly, I wish I knew the exact reason as to why they worked for Hydra and what is worth to them to work for an organization that wanted order instead of chaos but I guess we'll never know." 

"I guess not." You add sadly 

There is a comfortable silence until a man with a purple button-up shirt and thin square glasses walks into the room. 

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