Chapter 18 - Hugs, Kisses and Promises

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You find Bucky in your room, sitting at the desk that  Bucky had set up. 

"Hey." You say as you enter your room.

"Hey, what did Wanda want to talk to you about?" Bucky asks as he turns the chair that he is sitting in to face you.

"She knows."

"About us?" Bucky asks

You nod, "Mmhm"

"Does this mean you're going to tell Nat as well?" Bucky wondered

"Yeah, Wanda wants to do a girls day with Nat after she gets back from the mission. I'll tell her then." You answer

"That'll be fun and you definitely deserve a day to hang out with Wanda and Nat." Bucky responds 

"Yeah, I'm excited but this also means that you have to tell the guys when they get back." You tell him, knowing that Bucky isn't the type of person to show his true feelings, especially in front of the guys. 

"Do I have to?" Bucky pouts, knowing he'll get teased by Sam for waiting for so long to ask you to be his girlfriend.

Bucky holds out his arms to hold you. You link your hands behind his head and kiss him.

"Yes, promise me that you'll tell the guys, especially Clint." You say as you kiss him

"Okay, I promise to tell the guys when they get back from the mission but if I hear anything from Sam, I'm kicking his ass." Bucky promises you.

"Okay, you do that. And I'm holding you to it." You giggle

"There is one thing you should know about me, doll." Bucky says

"And what's that?" You ask as you lean your head against his

"That I always keep my promises."

You kiss him again, "Okay, but I'm still holding you to it."

Bucky laughs, "Okay, have you told Peter yet?"

You shake your head, "No, I'll tell him in a little bit, how do you think Clint will react?" 

Bucky shrugs, "I don't know. I'm at least hoping it's a positive response from him." 

You nod, "Well, I think that Clint will be happy to know that we're officially together course you never know." 

Bucky agrees with you, knowing that with Clint's calm nature that he'll be happy that you and Bucky are officially together. 

Bucky works on a couple things as you go downstairs to find Peter to tell him the news. You find him in the lab working on something.

"Hey!" You say as you see him

"Hey!" Peter greets you with a hug

"What are you working on?" You ask him

"I'm working on making some improvements to my suit." Peter tells you as he turns back to his suit to show you what he's working on. 

"What kind of improvements?" You ask him

Peter tells you the kind of improvements that he's making on his suit, you listen intently as you try to understand what Peter is talking about. 

"That's awesome Peter!" You reply

"Yeah! So what did Bucky want to talk to you about earlier?" Peter asks

"Oh! That! Yeah, well Bucky has asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Really? That's exciting!" Peter exclaims as he gives you another hug.

"Yeah, I'm happy." You beam as you think about your new relationship with Bucky.

"Well I'm happy that you're happy." Peter grins

"Thanks Peter." You smile.

You spend the rest of the day with Peter, Bucky and Wanda playing games and enjoying the day together. 

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