Chapter 59 - Advice

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You get up and use the bathroom and try to get yourself cleaned up before you talk to Laura. You notice the redness in your face and try to stop yourself from showing that you have been crying. Maybe it makes you a terrible human being for allowing yourself to show your emotions, course you were conditioned to not show your emotions or tell anyone how you feel. You decide to shrug it off and ask JARVIS where Laura is.

"Mrs. Barton is in the kitchen." The automated voice system immediately responds.

"Thanks JARVIS." You say as you leave your room.

You go downstairs to the kitchen to find Laura prepping lunch for the kids, "Hey Laura." You smile sadly as you sit down at the counter on one of the bar stools.

"Hey! What's up?" Laura greets you as she smiles.

"I was wondering if I could get some advice." You admit as you anxiously begin to move your engagement ring on your finger.

"Yeah of course. What's going on?" Laura asks as she places her kids lunches out on the table and offers to make you something for lunch, in which you agree.

You continue to anxiously move your engagement ring and swallow hard as you try and form the words that is on your mind, "Have you ever said anything during an argument that you immediately regretted?"

"Yeah of course. Did you have an argument with Bucky?" She asks sincerely as she finishes making lunch for the both of you.

You nod as the tears start to stream down your face, "Yeah, and I can't but feel guilty for what I've said to him."

Laura comes to sit down next to you and calmly and softly responds, "Hey, it's alright, everyone argues sometimes."

You nod as you wipe the tears away, "I told him that I wouldn't care if he came back because he didn't seem to care about what we were talking about right at that moment."

"If you don't mind me asking, what we're you guys talking about?" Laura asks so as not to pressure you to tell her about what your conversation with Bucky was about but Laura is the one person besides Bucky that you feel talking about anything with.

You take a deep breath, "Just about how I felt this whole mission feels like a trap and it doesn't make sense that Tony all of a sudden wants him to go on this mission, especially where he hasn't needed to go on the missions for the past several months and that by the time he comes back, we'll only have a couple more months until the wedding."

Laura thinks for a moment before responding, "Your feelings are very valid, I definitely think that you both are scared because he hasn't been on the missions in a long time but I also think that you're feeling like he's not exactly reciprocating the feelings that you want him to show in this situation."

You nod as you think about Laura's response, "I think you're right, what should I do?"

"I think the best thing for the both of you is just talk to each other. Just talk to him, just explain how you were feeling in the situation and he'll explain how he was feeling and just listen to each other." Laura states as she smiles softly.

You just nod and ask Laura, "How do you do it? How are you able to let Clint be on these missions but still stay so connected?"

Laura simply smiles, "It takes a lot of trust, compromise, communication and patience."

You talk with Laura for a couple more hours and eat your lunch until you decide to talk to Bucky, "I'm going to talk to Bucky, thank you for the advice and just talking with me." You thank Laura as you hug her.

Laura hugs you back and replies, "You're welcome."

You get up off of the stool and ask JARVIS where Bucky is, "Mr. Barnes is in the training room with Mr. Rogers and Mr. Wilson." JARVIS immediately announces as you walk to the elevator.

You take a deep breath as you press the button down to the training room floor. You anxiously wait for the doors to open as you go down to the training room. The doors quickly slide open, you walk through the massive hallway down to where you hear punching of the punching bag, you suspect that it might be Bucky using the punching bag but as you turn the corner you see that it's Steve, with Sam timing him and Bucky just standing and watching.

"Hey guys, can I talk to Bucky?" You ask as you hold your body close.

Steve looks up at you as he takes off his hand wraps, "Yeah of course." He places his hand wraps back into his duffel bag and takes the punching bag down. Sam lingers for a moment, wanting to know what's going on but you roll your eyes almost playfully but seriously, "Alone?"

"Oh yeah... of course... sorry..." Sam mutters under his breath as he walks away with Steve out of the training room.

You wait for a moment until the coast is clear, cause you don't know if Bucky has told them anything. You turn to Bucky who is cleaning up the training room a little bit.

You take a deep breath, "Look Buck, I'm sorry for what I said. I said it out of fear cause I'm scared that something is going to happen to you on this mission."

Bucky turns around and places his hands on your arms and gently caresses them and speaks gently, "I understand where you're coming from, and trust me, doll, I'm more scared than anything right now. I'm worried about you and I'm worried about what's going to happen to me while I'm on this mission."

You nod, "I know. Please don't go. I love you too much to lose you now."

With Bucky still holding you close, his expression turns sad, "I... I know, and I'm so sorry."

He lifts your chin to have your lips meet his and he gently lowers his head to leave a kiss on your lips, and says, "I love you."

"I love you too, Buck." You say as you pull each other into a warm embrace.

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