Chapter 34 - See you again

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"I'm excited to finally see the team again."

"Yeah, I'm excited as well." He looks down at you lovingly and kisses you. He pulls you in and wraps his arm around your waist. You've missed his warmth and the way he would just hold you at night. You've missed the musky smell of his cologne. You've missed his smile. Being in this coma has made you realize how much you actually love the man that is holding you right at this moment. You love him for spending every moment and watching you out of concern. You love the way he has helped you over the past few months, especially with your nightmares. You love that he will spend every moment with you, every chance he can get. You look up at him and realize that he's fallen asleep with his head resting on your head. You move closer onto his chest to hear his slow heartbeat and close your eyes as you listen to the rhythm of his heartbeat and realize that your heartbeat is matching his. You smile as you close your eyes and you fall asleep. You wake up several hours later to Bucky reading and lightly scratching your arm. You look up at him and smile.

"Hey." You say as you're still smiling.

"Hey, how did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty well, how long was I asleep for?"

"Well, you must have slept after I fell asleep, so... a good 6 hours."

"6 hours? And yet I'm still tired." You laugh nervously.

"Yeah I was reading up on that while you were in your coma, that sometimes a person will wake up perfectly fine, sometimes they'll be disoriented, oftentimes they'll be extremely tired."

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I've slept a lot better than I have over these past couple of weeks, so thank you."

"You're welcome." You smile as he kisses you.

"The team will be here in a few minutes to see you."

"Yay! I'm excited, who's all coming?" You ask excitedly

"I believe everyone except Thor, Bruce, and Clint."

You hum in response and rest your head on Bucky's shoulder as he lazily draws circles on your arm with his finger. You look up at him and say, "Bucky?"


"Um, being in this coma has made me realize that I –" You immediately get cut off by the sound of the door opening and the rest of the Avengers come walking through the door.

"Tell me later?" Bucky whispered before everyone came into the room. You nod in response as you watch everyone walk into your room. 

"Aww, you guys are so cute." Wanda says as you guys are laying next to each other. You turn and see everyone come in.

"Hey guys." You laugh as they all come in and as you try to sit up in the bed.

"Hey" Tony greets you.

"Hey Y/N." Sam says as he walks in the room. 

"How are you feeling?" Steve asks

"I'm alright, how are you guys?" You answer as everyone is still walking into the room.

"We're better knowing that you're finally awake." Natasha answers.

Peter walks in with teary eyes and his face looks red, as though he had been crying for a while now.

You look up at Peter with a soft expression but also with tears in your eyes, "Hey Peter." 

He immediately goes over to you and hugs you. His hug was warm and undoubtedly affectionate. You definitely missed your best friend. You missed those late night talks of your guys' favorite movies that you've both watched together and the projects that he's been working on with Tony, among other things. 

As he pulls away, with more tears in his eyes, he says through choked sobs, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too." You comfort him.

"Is there anything that you need?" Tony asks 

"I'm actually really hungry right now." You respond

"What sounds good to you?" Wanda asks

"I don't know, I'm good with anything." You reply.

"Does Shwarma sound good?" Tony asks

"Sure." You say as your stomach growls. You laugh but wince at the same time.

"You okay?" Bucky asks

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just in a lot of pain right now and didn't think that laughing would hurt so much."

"So we are having Shwarma tonight or what?" Tony asks as he brings out his phone

"Yeah that sounds good to me." You reply, shrugging

He leaves the room and calls the restaurant to make an order. You all spend the time hanging out until Tony tells everyone that the food is ready.

"Oh! Food's ready, who wants to go pick it up?" Tony asks everyone, as everyone is gathered outside your room.

"I can Mr. Stark! I'll pick it up!" Peter volunteers excitedly.

Tony hands Peter a $100 bill, "make sure to bring the change back."

"Okay, Mr. Stark!" Peter runs out

After about 20 minutes, Peter arrives with the food, they're all finding seats near the bed to sit and chat with each other and you. As Peter comes in, he hands Bucky something and whispers in his ear. Bucky nods and says, "okay." He stands in the corner and is writing in what looks like a card and then hands it back to Peter.

Bucky comes to lay in the bed with you, he is lightly scratching your arm. You are laughing and enjoying everyone's company but eventually, everyone including yourself starts to get tired.

"Goodnight, Y/N" everyone says as they are leaving the room to go back to the Compound. 

"Goodnight guys." You say tiredly.

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