Chapter 64 - Bulgaria

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The guys arrive in Bulgaria on a late rainy night. About to start their mission of retrieving the illegal Hydra weapons that Hydra had sent to this facility in Bulgaria. They all get into positions. Bucky and Sam are by the garage so Sam can monitor Red Wing. Clint is by one of the obscure buildings, he had his arrow drawn in his bow. Steve was on the Quinjet with Bruce. Thor was hiding by another nearby garage. Tony was hiding by a nearby building, he tapped twice on his arc reactor to get his suit on.   

"Alright, I'm in position," Clint says through the earpiece as the rain continues to fall, so he had to speak louder than the rain falling on him.

As Tony's headpiece came over his face, "Alright is everyone else in position?"  

Steve brings his hand to his earpiece to hear better over the rain, "Affirmative."

"Yep." Sam says as he looks over at Bucky.

"Yeah we are." Bucky says as well.

Steve jumps out of the Quinjet and lands behind a Hydra agent as he quietly strangles him unconcious to the ground. 

Clint had noticed that there were other Hydra agents on the lookout on top of the base, so he pulls the arrow back and shoots, causing one of the agents to fall from the roof of one of the buildings of the base and he shoots another causing the other agent to fall onto the ground with the arrow stuck inside his chest. 

Sam is watching through Red Wing, he notices several Hydra agents walking through the building next to where he's hiding, "Thor, you've got several agents up ahead." 

Thor quietly approaches the Hydra agents and manages to get one of their guns out of their grasp and hit the two agents that were in front of him in the face. The facility sounded the alarm that there was an intruder, he turns to see other Hydra agents approaching him, he holds onto the overhanging bars and pulls himself up as he pushes one of the other Hydra agents in the chest with his feet. He brings himself down and sees other Hydra agents approaching him. He raises his right arm to have his hammer, Mjolner, fly into his hand. He continues to hit them until they all fall to the ground. Once he got through these agents, he walked through the facility to make sure it was safe for Steve to make it through the facility undetected. 

Tony flies through one of the windows where he found another group of Hydra agents that had turned and drew their weapons. They proceed to shoot Tony but his impenetrable suit, where he made modifications over the years to protect himself from bullets, didn't phase him. He decides to send little bullets out of his suit that would hurt the Hydra agents that were in the room. They all fell one by one onto the ground. 

Steve ran through the facility, managing to throw his shield towards a couple of the Hydra agents where they also fell onto the ground, unconscious. He gets to the room where they are holding the illegal weapons and notices a heavy-duty reinforced steel lock. He breaks the lock with his shield. Once the lock breaks, he pulls the door open and finds a dark hallway that is dimly lit. He slowly walks down the hallway, trying to find the room with a piece of equipment that Stark had invented that allowed them to find the weapons quicker. Steve approaches another room, that had the same reinforced steel lock as the facility door that he breaks open again with his shield. Once the lock breaks, he opens the door. He finds a giant chest that he opens up and finds the weapons. Steve looks around making sure that no more Hydra agents are coming in. 

"Stark, I've secured the weapons," Steve states as he closes the lid of the chest.

"Perfect, I'll meet you guys on the Quinjet in a few minutes," Tony adds as he puts the USB into the computer. 

As he types into the computer, he mutters under his breath, "Where are you? Huh, nothing..." 

He searches through all the files on the computer and asks Jarvis to download all of the information onto the USB that he put into the computers. 

All of the guys, except Tony, approach the Quinjet, "Where's Stark?" Thor asks

Steve looks around and shakes his head, "I don't know, he said that he would meet us on the Quinjet."

After a few minutes, Tony approaches the Quinjet, "Everything okay?" Steve asks as he watches Tony get onto the Quinjet. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Tony adds as he sits down on one of the seats by Bruce.

"No reason, just wondering." Steve shakes his head.

They fly back to their safe house in Romania late in the night. 

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