Chapter 57- Bring him back to me

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You wake up a half hour before the meeting is supposed to start and you turn and notice Bucky still sleeping, you decide to let Bucky sleep for a while longer cause it sounded like he had a rough night the night before. You get up and grab your clothes and go into the bathroom to shower. You strip off your clothes from the night before and get into the shower, letting the warm water run down your body. You take a quick shower and change into your black leggings, t-shirt and oversized sweater shirt. You walk out of the bathroom to find Bucky still sleeping. You notice the time on your phone, 6:45 AM, you walk over to him and kneel down to where your face is close to his face, you gently brush Bucky's hair out of his eyes, which in turn wakes him up, "Hey, we've got the mission briefing here in a little bit." You talk quietly as he is still trying to wake up.

"What time is it?" Bucky asks as he yawns while also trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

"6:45" You respond

Bucky groans as he looks up at the ceiling of your shared room, "Okay, I'm going to jump in the shower real fast."

"Okay, are you feeling alright?" You ask as you place a gentle touch with the back of your hand to see if he's got a temp, course you know that super soldiers can't get sick, but there's always that possibility.

Bucky simply nods, "Yeah, I'm just feeling tired."

"Okay, do you and I want to go down together?" You ask as you notice the dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping enough the night before.

Bucky sits on the edge of the bed and turns to face you, "Sure, but if I'm running late, I want you to go on ahead."

"You sure?" You wonder as you stand up.

Bucky nods as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead and hugs you tight.

"Okay." You add as you watch him get up to grab his clothes and go into the bathroom, Bucky smiles softly at you before closing the door.

Bucky turns on the shower to the hottest temperature in order to wake him up, he waits for a few minutes for the water to heat up as he strips himself.

He gets into the shower and lets the hot water fall on him for at least a moment before he finally begins to wash himself.

On the other side of the bathroom door, as you anxiously wait for Bucky to come out of the bathroom, you anxiously tap your foot against the hardwood floor and notice the time on your phone, 6:53 AM, you didn't want to be late to your first mission briefing and Tony seemed like the type of person that appreciates punctuality, so you decide to make it down to the meeting room. You meet up with Clint in the elevator.

"Hey Y/N, how did you sleep?" Clint asks you

"I actually slept well, how did you sleep?" You ask him.

"I slept alright, Nate kept thinking there was a monster under his bed, so he slept with Laura and I but he kicks at night, so it was a little hard to sleep last night but I did get some,"Clint chuckles softly.

You nod, "Yeah, at least you got some rest, Bucky didn't seem to sleep too well either. I think he was tossing and turning all night but it could just be me overthinking."

The both of you make it down to the meeting room and sit down next to each other and you also save a seat for Bucky, everyone was in the meeting room except Bucky, Sam and Thor.

Bucky has a thought come to mind to tell you that he was going on this mission while the both of you are walking down to the mission briefing that way it could give the both of you time to let the news of him leaving settle in. He quickly turns the water off and wraps a towel around the bottom half of his body and opens the door to find you already gone, "Damn it." He mutters under his breath.

He notices the time on the clock, 6:58 AM, shit, he knew that the last time that Tony said he would kill him for being late again, so he hurries and changes into his jeans and t-shirt that he picked out for the day and rushes down to the meeting room and sees the chair that you saved for him and sits down next to you.

"Now that we're all here. I'm going to go over our upcoming mission." Tony says with a slight annoyance in his voice while looking at Bucky.

He turns on the screen and all of the files for their mission come up on the invisible screen, "Hydra is sending a shipment of illegal weapons and they also sent us a video of a captured young girl, probably around 16 or 17."

Tony slides the files away and brings up a video that is grainy that he makes bigger, he presses play, the grainy video plays but it seems to be a 16 or 17 year old girl who was chained up to a wooden post. Whoever was filming the video kept wanting to get a video of her face but the video cuts out and a picture of Hydra's symbol comes up on the screen. As you watch it, you couldn't help but get an uneasy feeling from watching it, you knew what you and Bucky had endured and this wasn't something that Hydra had typically done, which you thought maybe things have changed but you didn't imagine anything changing so fast within the last year.

"Who is that?" Sam asks, breaking your train of thought.

Tony shrugs, "That's the thing, we don't know. I got sent this last night when we already had this other mission scheduled, so I figured we would we should at least save her and figure out who she is."

You decided to speak up, you knew there was something wrong, "Tony, this feels like a set up, when has HYDRA ever done this? Like it took 12 years for Clint to find me." You say as you look around the room and make contact with Clint, in which he nods.

"Well, I figured since we've got this, we should probably check it out." Tony adds before bringing back the files that were on the screen.

Tony goes over more details of the illegal weapons mission and along the way, they'll be stopping at different countries and what kind of weapons they'll be looking for.

"Who's all going?" Steve asks

"All of the guys, excluding Peter." Answers Tony.

"Including Bucky?" You wonder as you turn to Bucky, Bucky didn't say anything as his head hung low cause he felt guilty that he hadn't told you yet.

"Yes, including Bucky." Tony adds

"How long will we be gone?" Bucky asks in a low voice.

"We're looking at a couple months, it could be longer." Tony responds as he continues to swipe the screen.

"When do we leave?" Clint asks

"Bright and early tomorrow morning at 5:30, so be on the landing pad no later than 5:15." Tony announces as he glances over at Bucky, who still had his head hung low.

Tony goes over any last minute details of the mission and releases everyone. You get up to talk to Tony, while Bucky follows right behind you. Clint also stays for a moment in case you need to talk to him.

"Why is Bucky going on this mission, when he hasn't needed to for the past several months?" You question Tony as you fold your arms near your chest, annoyed at both Tony and Bucky for not saying anything.

"We need someone who knows the ins-and-outs of Hydra, especially if we have to go out of our way to save this girl." Tony clarified as he turns to you.

"This honestly feels like a trap, Tony. But Tony and Clint you have to promise me one thing..." You began as you look down at your feet, nervous to ask them what you want them to do.

"What's that?" Tony asks

You look between Clint and Tony, your heart is beating out of your chest, "Promise me, that you'll protect Bucky, no matter the cost."

Clint and Tony respond at the same time, "We promise."

You nod before you walk out of the meeting room, nearly in tears, with Bucky following close behind.

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