Chapter 70 - Broken promises

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All of the guys spent the whole flight back home in silence, all that was heard was the hum of the Quinjet.

You wake up around 6:15 the next morning and remember that Bucky is coming home. You get up and shower. All morning that you were up, you get a gnawing feeling that he won't be there when all the other guys return home but you brush it off, thinking that it's just nerves since he hasn't been home in a long time. After showering you decide to put on a pair of jeans with a t-shirt and a lightweight cardigan. 

Tony had programmed all of the phones to notify everyone when the Quinjet was approaching. You get a notification on your phone as you were walking out of your room that told you that they'll be landing in 5 minutes. You hurry and get on the elevator and press the landing pad level. You make your way down to the Quinjet's landing pad where Laura, your cousins, Nat and Wanda are waiting for the guys. Once the Quinjet lands, all of you walk closer to meet the guys. 

Steve is the first one out of the Quinjet and then the rest of the guys trickle out one by one, all except Bucky. You all hug each other as the guys come out of the Quinjet but when you notice that Bucky isn't there, you start to wonder where he is. 

"Where's Bucky?" You wonder as you talk to Thor, who didn't know how to respond.

Clint pulls you to the side, "We'll talk in the conference room. You, me, Steve, and Tony."

All four of you start walking down to the conference room, the same room where the last meeting was held.  Panic sets through your whole body as you wonder what happened to Bucky as you walk down to the conference room with Clint, Steve, and Tony. 

"Where's Bucky?" You ask once Steve closes the conference room door behind him, with fear in your voice. 

All three of them don't say anything for a moment as they all look around at each other.

"Where is he?" You ask again, hoping to get some sort of answer from one of them.

"Tony, tell her." Steve urged Tony in a low voice, to confess that it was his fault for losing Bucky. 

"Tell me what?" You wonder as your heart begins racing. You look at Tony, who looked uncomfortable because he didn't want to admit that he was one to lose Bucky. 

Tonu sighed before responding, "With Hydra, they've got him."

"You son of a bitch!" You seethed as you slap Tony across the face, "You son of a --- You promised me that you would protect him, no matter the cost! You promised me! You're a liar!"

Out of anger, you use your powers against Tony who put his suit on two seconds before being swept off his feet. 

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