Chapter 16 - Scars and Souvenirs

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You sit in silence for a moment, the realization of what Bucky has said and gone through, creates an overwhelming feeling of sadness within you. 

There were a few minutes of silence before Bucky spoke up, "You okay, doll?" Bucky asks worried that you may be upset with him.

"Buck, I'm so sorry, I can only imagine what you went through." You respond getting choked up, knowing the pain that Hydra had put the both of you through. 

"That's why you recognized me from the moment that we saved you from  Hydra." Bucky admits 

"What happened? How did you become the Winter Soldier?" You ask

"Long story short, I fell off a train in the '40s, Hydra found me and replaced my real arm with my metal one and they told me that I would be the new face of Hydra and that's when I became the Winter Soldier and I was the Winter Soldier for 70 plus years." He says as he takes off his glove and moves his metal fingers.

You watch him move his metal fingers. He gently takes your right hand into his left hand. The cool metal cooling your already warm hand. You take a moment to ask him the question that you're worried that he might not want to answer. 

"Did that scare you?" You ask

"Looking back on it, I was. I was terrified, I didn't know who I was more than half the time, like you. I was lucky that Steve helped me out when he did." Bucky acknowledges

"Did Steve know about me?" You wondered

"Yeah, Steve was the only person that knew." Bucky tells you 

"How come?" 

"Cause I went into hiding for several years after Steve initially helped me and I didn't know who to trust after I moved into the Compound." 

"That makes sense."

"I wanted to search for you while I was in hiding but I knew that I would have a target on my back if I went back to the Hydra bases but I never realized that you were Clint's niece but life has a way of bringing people together and though our moments together have been scary, I knew that someday we would find our way back to each other." 

You nod as you lay your head on Bucky's shoulder just feeling the sand of the shore of the lake underneath your feet, taking in this moment of finally realizing that you have someone that you really like who you have a past with, which you didn't mind at all. However, realizing that both of  your pasts is haunted by memories of the moments of your past with a corrupt organization, which is something that you could never have asked for but maybe you and Bucky were meant to meet under the circumstances but meant to officially be together later in life. 

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