Chapter 26 - More than this

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Clint hands the bag to Bucky. Bucky takes a close look at the bag. His grip tightens around the bag. He gets up, grabs his jacket, and tells Clint and Dr. Hawkins that he needs to go outside and take a breather. He gives the bag back to Clint and walks out of your room.  Bucky asks the nurse where the exit is. He runs in the hall past the doctors and nurses to the outside of the cool May evening air.

After Bucky leaves, Dr. Reid goes over more of the extent of your injuries.  Before she leaves, Dr. Hawkins pulls out a piece of paper, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, of course."

"She has something uncommon in her bloodwork, do you know why that is?"

"I honestly don't know why." Clint lies, knowing that it was the super-soldier serum that was uncommon in your bloodwork.

"Okay, well I'm going to hand you her CT scans and her bloodwork results, and like I said we'll keep an eye on her for however long she is unconscious and we'll let you know of any changes that happen." Dr. Reid says as she gets up to leave

"Okay thank you." Clint says as the both of them stand up.

Clint paces the room, thinking about how Hydra took you at such a young age to be their agent and now 12 years later to have them come back and almost take your life away, didn't make any sense to him. He thought about his life with you. The both of you had developed a special relationship, he was like a big brother to you. You were homeschooled, because it was the only clear option for you, because of your powers, your telekinetic powers are powered by your emotions, especially where your parents had just died and you had already had a hard adjustment with your parents passing, when you didn't know what had happened. He remembers that day like it was yesterday, when his parents had sat you down and told you that something had happened to your parents, and that they died by a drunk driver. He was angry at whoever had killed your parents, because you didn't have your parents anymore and he had always had a great relationship with your parents. He had promised himself that everyday he would protect you, no matter the cost.

 He felt guilty that he was never actually there to protect you when you first got captured by and now as you lay helpless in a coma. He held onto your hand as he sat back down next to you. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I wish I was there to protect you when you were first taken by HYDRA, I know that you forgive me for what happened back then but I still can't help but feel guilty for what happened back then. I also can't help but feel guilty for what happened to you now, that HYDRA has put you through so much shit for the past 12 years and they somehow found you not long after we rescued you and now you are in this situation. From now on, I will protect you, no matter the cost and I have a feeling that Bucky feels the same way."

He sat back in his chair, still holding onto your hand, reminiscing about the years where you were younger and every good memory that you and Clint had together. It made Clint upset that HYDRA had the ability to take away someone's memory with what he understands with just a machine. He will never understand the extent of your trauma but he knows that Bucky will understand and he's grateful that Bucky will always be there to help you. 

He hears a knock on the door that brings him out of his thoughts and turned to see Tony and Peter coming into your room. 

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