Chapter 62 - Missing you

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It was early the next morning, you hear the water running from the shower, and you realize that Bucky was already in the shower and he probably didn't sleep all that well. But in all honesty, you and Bucky didn't sleep all that well, worried about each other. As you lay in bed, waiting for Bucky, you think about how you're extremely proud of him going from the Winter Soldier to now helping the Avengers on these missions but there is still that inevitable worry that is currently eating away at your gut over what's going to happen to Bucky on this mission.

You hear the bathroom door open a few minutes later as you continue to lay in your bed. You turn and face the light coming from the bathroom, and allow your eyes to adjust to the light.

"Morning doll." Bucky greets you in his soft-spoken voice as he walks over to his side of the bed and gets onto the bed. The bed dips a little from his weight but quickly adjusts as he goes to sit in the bed next to you. You sit and lean in close as Bucky holds you close.

"How'd you sleep?" Bucky asks quietly.

You shrug, "Okay, how about you?"

You feel Bucky shrug as well, "Mmm... same..."

"I'm going to miss you." You say quietly as you listen to Bucky's heartbeat.

Bucky sighs as he gently rubs your arm, "Me too."

You sit there in comfortable silence as you let the time pass. You desperately don't want him to leave, you want to hold onto him a little longer but knowing how impossible Tony has already made that with him now allowing him to come home early has been frustrating enough but you can't be all that upset with Tony cause Bucky is part of the team and has been for a while and he can't let the team down.

You notice the time on your phone. Your phone screen lights up at 4:55 AM. You sit up and notice a distant look in Bucky's eyes, "You okay?" You wonder as you place your hand on Bucky's cheek.

Your touch seemed to get him out of his train of thought, "Hmm?" He hums in response.

"Are you okay?" You ask him again as you gently brush his damp hair out of his eyes.

Bucky nods, "Yeah, I'm just thinking about this mission is all and you."

You smile sadly as you place a gentle kiss on Bucky's lips, "I'm going to go into the bathroom and change real fast before we go downstairs."

Bucky nods as you get off the bed, you grab a change of leggings, a t-shirt, and one of your oversized sweaters to change into. You give Bucky one last smile before closing the door behind you. You start to choke up as you slowly sit down on the floor, bringing your knees close to your body as you have your back against the door. You let the tears flow as you silently sob, not wanting Bucky to hear you cry. You're going to miss your best friend and fiancé, who hasn't left you for months or left you since your accident. You finally have the energy to change your clothes after being able to let your emotions out for a few minutes. You also brush your teeth and brush your hair. You notice the redness in your face so you try splashing some water on your face and try to compose yourself before seeing Bucky on the other side and before seeing everyone downstairs.

You slowly open the door to find Bucky double-checking that he's got everything in his duffel bag. He turns to see you red-faced, in which he guessed you were crying.

"You okay, doll?" Bucky asks softly.

You shrug as you bring your arms close to your body and you wipe the final tears that are coming down, "Just this realization that you're actually leaving me for the first time in months."

"Oh doll." Bucky coos as he approaches you, he wraps his arm around you as he pulls you in for a hug. You bury your head in his chest as he held you close. You both stood there for what seemed like a while because Jarvis came on in your room.

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