Chapter 67 - Madripoor pt. 1

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As you were getting ready for bed, you get a call at 11:00 pm from Bucky. You press the green call button and wait for Bucky's face to come into view. 

"Hey! What's going on?" You ask as you see Bucky.

"'Hey doll, I just wanted to let you know that we landed in Madripoor and called to see how you were doing."

You hesitate to tell him how you've actually been doing, with you not being able to sleep and worrying about him, including with all of the wedding planning, it feels like all of the stress is going straight to your shoulder and you've been in more pain in the past few weeks than you have since you came out of your coma and you had a pretty high pain tolerance  because you didn't want to bother him with your problems, especially while he's been focused on this mission, you didn't want him to worry about you while he was out so you just smile and say, "I'm good and I miss you, did you just get to Madripoor?" 

Bucky nods, "Yeah we did, and we just go to our safehouse and I'm hoping that this is the last place for this mission and then I can finally come home." You can hear the tiredness in his voice. 

You smile sadly, "Yeah, I wish you could come home sooner."

"Me too. Doll, are you sure you're okay?" Bucky asked again, he watched you with a mindful eye as you sat down on your bed, he was more intuitive than he gave himself credit for, which you've realized over the past several months that you've been in a relationship with him. You so desperately wanted to break down and tell him what's been going on but you held your tongue and prevented yourself from crying, however, there was a part of you that was telling you, no screaming at you to not tell him, especially where you would feel guilty if he were to come home early because of your selfish needs.. Your throat began to close up but you tried clearing your throat as best as you could before you spoke, "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired but I think I'm going to go to bed. I love you and miss you, stay safe." 

"I love you too. Goodnight." Bucky says as you both end the call. As the both of you end the call, you were grateful that he didn't press any further. Bucky had a suspicion that you weren't feeling okay but he didn't want to bring it up cause he knew that you and him didn't like to open up about how you were really feeling, so he didn't push you. 

The guys go over the mission and their roles in this mission. Tony, Sam, Bruce, and Thor were all going to be distractions in the club, while Steve and Clint are posted outback to make sure that if anything goes wrong, they'll be around to help while Bucky searches for the girl. 

The safehouse was on the outskirts of the city, so as not to bring attention to themselves. They decide to walk into the club that supposedly housed the girl they were looking for. Once they got to the club, they got into their positions. 

"Barnes, you've got access underneath the club," Tony says over the loud music playing in the background. 

"Got it." Bucky is walking through the tunnels of the club, he could hear the thumping of the music but as he continues to walk deeper through the tunnels, the music slowly dies down to where he can't hear anything but his own footsteps. He continues walking slowly as he walks down the corridor of the tunnel, holding his gun out, to find the girl. He makes it down the corridor to find a heavy steel door, which he was able to slide it open thanks to the super soldier serum. He finds a young sixteen-year-old girl chained to a metal post. He rushes over the girl and tells the through the ear piece, "I found her."

He turns to her as he looks at the metal restraints that are tied around his body, "Are you okay? What's your name?"

"My name is Allison, please you've got to help me." She pleads with Bucky. 

"My name is Bucky, we'll get you out of here." Bucky states as he hurries and gets the rest of the chains off of Allison.

Bucky easily gets the restraints off and has Allison follow him as the both of them are walking, she says, "I heard your name before."

"I highly doubt that, but who did you hear it from?" Bucky asks quietly as he is holding his gun out and walks in front of Allison, in case there were any Hydra agents after him or Allison. 

"My grandfather, Alexander Pierce." Allison states as she smiles mischievously. 

Bucky stops in his tracks as though a chill was going down his back and turns toward Allison, slowly, and asks, "Wait, who did you say?"

Allison smiles slyly, "Alexander Pierce, I'm sure you've heard of him."

Bucky looks on with shock in his eyes before she yells, "Now!"

A couple of Hydra agents came out of the dark hallways that he didn't bother to look earlier when he was looking for Allison, because he didn't think there was anything in those hallways. They came and grabbed him by the arms, restraining him. 

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