Chapter 25 (Unexpected news)

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Clint just nods before he goes outside to talk to the team and his wife. Bucky sat wringing his hands in fear, anger, and frustration. He asked himself, Why? Why the hell did this happen to you? He wished it was him instead of you. He sat in anger. Angry with Hydra and what they had done to him and you. He was angry and had a lot of guilt within himself because he wasn't there at that moment to protect you.

 If he had been there at that moment, you wouldn't be in this situation. You would have been perfectly fine. He loves you. He loves everything about you. From your smile to the way that you laughed at Clint's dad jokes, even if some of them were hilariously bad. He loves the way you would snuggle up to him every night and just fall asleep in his arms. He loved the way that you would sing wherever you were. No matter where you were, you would sing, whether it be in the shower or just making some food in the kitchen. He realizes that he loves everything about you and there's nothing in this world that he would do to have you in his arms right at this moment. He couldn't help but smile as he was thinking about you. As he was thinking, a nurse comes out and tells him that they wheeled you into a room in the ICU and that they were welcome to see you at any time they were ready. He nods and gets up to tell Clint. Clint had just finished his phone call with his wife. They followed the nurse back to the ICU into the room that you were in. They walked in and found you with your left arm in a sling and bruising around your neck. It looked like you were sleeping but Bucky had to convince himself that you weren't, that you were unconscious, and that they didn't know how long it would take for you to wake up. Bucky got choked up and his eyes welled up with tears seeing you helpless and lying  unconscious. 

"The doctor will be in, in just a few minutes." The nurse tells Clint and Bucky as they walk into your room.

"Thank you." The both of them thank the nurse before she leaves, leaving just you, Clint and Bucky in your room.

"What did the team say?" Bucky asks as he sits down in a chair next to you. 

"They said that they'll be here over the next few days to see how we're doing." Clint answers as he sits on the other side of you. 

"What did the nurse say?"

"She said that the doctor will come in and explain her condition once she's in the ICU, so probably not too much longer."


A few minutes later, a tall blonde woman with a white lab coat comes in holding a folder, which Bucky can only guess is your patient file. 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Reid, and I'm the attending physician, you must be?" Dr Reid addressed herself as she closes the door behind her.

"Clint Barton, I'm her uncle." Clint answers.

"I'm Bucky, her boyfriend." Bucky answers.

"I'm sorry for the circumstances but I'll go over her results and any questions you may have." She states as she sits down on the stool by your bed. 

"Looking at the images in her shoulder, the bullet went through her muscle that moves your arm, called the trapezius. She'll have her arm in that sling for the next 4-5 months, after that we'll do another x-ray to see how her shoulder is healing and she will be doing intense physical therapy, do you have any questions?"

"How long do you think she'll be in this coma?" Bucky hesitantly asks.

"That's one thing we're unsure of. It could be a week, it could be months. We'll monitor her everyday and let you know of any changes that happens."

"Do you know how she got into the coma?" Clint asks

"We think that it's from the strangulation. However, she doesn't have any brain damage, so we don't know how or why she's in the coma without receiving any brain damage. However, we did find this in her forearm." Dr. Hawkins says as he pulls out a small baggie with a small oval-shaped item.

"What is this?" Clint says as his eyes widen as he's handed the bag. He inspects the item in the bag. 

"We believe it's a tracker, but we're not a hundred percent sure on this. When we found it in her CT scan, the surgeon made a small incision to remove it." Dr. Reid acknowledged.

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