Chapter 24 -Even when it hurts

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He silently lets the tears fall down his face. He couldn't hold back his emotions. Clint looks over at Bucky and tells the nurse that he will talk to him.

"Barnes? You okay?" Clint asks as he softly shakes Bucky into reality. It takes a few minutes for him to get Bucky's attention.


"What?" Bucky looks up at Clint with his tear stained face not realizing that Clint had been trying to get his attention.

"Are you okay?" Clint asked as he sat down.

"I'm fine. Just found out that my girlfriend is in a fucking coma. How long would they say she would be out?" Bucky breathes shakily, he wiped the tears that were coming down his face. He hated showing his emotions but his emotions got the better of him.

"We don't know. I'm sorry Bucky." Clint responds sadly.

"Did she say how she ended up in this coma?"

"No, she told us that the doctor will tell us."

Bucky shook his head in disbelief. Clint and Bucky sat in silence for a few minutes before Bucky spoke up.

"What are we going to do?" Bucky asked quietly

"Well, I'm going to call the team and Laura and let them know what's going on, but one of us is going to have to stay with her at all times." Clint says as he gets up and pulls out his phone.

"Clint?" Bucky spoke up a little louder than a whisper

"Yeah?" Clint responds

"I'll stay with her. She's my girlfriend and I want to do everything to protect her and help the both of you in any way I can." Bucky says.

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