Chapter 50- Secret Santa

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Bucky places gently kisses on your neck and behind your ear, which in turn wakes you up. You smile as you wake up and turn to Bucky who was looking lovingly at you. 

"Morning Buck." You smile

"Morning doll, how did you sleep?" Bucky asks as his voice is all husky as he notices the time, the time on his phone says, 9:15 am.

"I actually slept really well, how about you?" You add as you gently brush his hair out of his eyes

"I slept well, too, how are you feeling?" Bucky sighs as he places a gentle hand on your back and gently rubs your back as he pulls you in closer to where you are listening to his heartbeat, Bucky softly moves your hair out of your face and places a tender kiss on your forehead.

"Physically or just about today?" You ask as you look up at him.

"Both." Bucky reassures you as you knew how hard it would be to leave your family to go back to where you were before flying out here to stay with your family. 

You sigh as you sit up, "I'm feeling better than I was yesterday but I don't know, I guess I am a little nervous about leaving but then at the same time I am excited to be spending the holidays with you,  the team, and my family." 

"That's understandable." Bucky nods as he lightly draws circle on the small of your back. 

You place a soft kiss on his lips and get up to shower and get ready and pack to get ready to go back to the Compound. The both of you finish packing you walk out of your room to find everyone awake. 

"Hey guys." You greet everyone, who was sitting in either the living room or the kitchen. 

"Hey Y/N!" Everyone says as you sit on the couch, in between Peter and Wanda. 

Tony stands up, "Before we leave to go back to the Compound, I wanted to let you guys know that we'll be doing Secret Santa again this year, since there are so many of us. You guys can also buy gifts for other people in the group but we are going to be doing Secret Santa again this year." Tony walks over to the counter to grab a piece of paper and a bowl. He tears up ten pieces of paper and hands everyone a piece of paper, "Okay write your names on the piece of paper and put it in this bowl." 

"We're going to pick a piece of paper and whoever's name is on it, that's who you have to get a present for but if you pick yourself, put it back and pick another name but don't tell anyone who you got." Tony adds as he goes around the room once everyone has written their name and goes around the room for everyone to pick a name out of the bowl. You pick your piece of paper out of the bowl and hold the piece of paper close to you as you open it. Peter

Your reaction is calm and collected but inside you are cheering. You can't wait to get a Christmas present for your best friend. You all look at each other to see everyone's reactions. The reactions that came out were confusion, surprise or calm and collected, like your reaction. 

"And like I mentioned before you guys are welcome to buy presents for other people but don't mention your Secret Santa to anyone else on the team." He glares over at Sam and Bucky. 

"What?" Sam asks innocently.

"I know it's usually you two nimrods that find out before everyone else about your Secret Santa." Tony spoke accusingly to Bucky and Sam. 

"Don't worry Tony, I'll keep an eye on Bucky." You add before any arguments start to erupt between Tony, Sam, and Bucky. 

"Good. You do that." Tony replies.

Everyone starts to laugh as you look up at Bucky, who is chuckling as well. 

"Perfect! Now that we have that out of the way. I also wanted to let you guys know that we'll be leaving in the next half hour."

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