Chapter 37- Hope and Birthdays

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Clint and Laura show you around the house, Laura kept joking about how Clint wants to do more projects on the house to open it up even more but you love how big and open the house is. You make it around to get your bearings, and see the house you'll be living in for a little while. You, Laura, and Bucky make it to your room.

"Here is your room. Bucky, I did get a separate room ready for you in case you need it but I'll let you two get settled in." Laura smiles as you and Bucky walk into the room that Laura got ready for you.

You smile, "Thank you, Laura."

"Thank you, Laura," Bucky adds.

Laura leaves closing the door. Leaving you and Bucky in your room. You and Bucky set your stuff down on the floor of the room. You open the door to the balcony and take a deep breath of the summer air. You walk back in and close the doors behind you with the biggest smile. You are incredibly grateful that you're spending this time to recover at your uncle's safe house with your boyfriend and your uncle's family. This may finally give you a chance to discover yourself and develop a deeper relationship with Bucky, Clint and Clint's family. Your biggest worry was HYDRA finding you but now you probably won't have to worry about HYDRA finding you. You sit down on the bed and notice Bucky watching you as he smiles.

"What?" You ask innocently.

Bucky shakes his head and smiles, "Nothing, I love you and I'm glad that we're finally away from everything and you'll actually have a chance to heal. Now that we're here, how are you feeling about things?"

You look around the room and back at Bucky, "I'm glad that I'm here too, and I'm grateful that I'm here with you."

He goes over to hug you, he extends his arms, in which you get up and hug him. He wraps you around with his strong arms, his hug is warm and protective. You both pull away slightly from the hug but still in each other's arms. Bucky moves his left arm from behind your back to your chin, he gently lifts your head and places a gentle kiss on your lips, you smile into the kiss as he continues to kiss you.

He pulls away from the kiss and looks down at you with his mesmerizing blue eyes, "So, what do you want to do?" He asks

You look around the room and realize how exhausted you are, "Honestly, I'm exhausted, I just want to rest."

"Alright, I'll rest with you." He adds before he pulls away and moves to the bed.

"Alright." You smile

You move to the bed as well and lie down. Bucky pulls you close to his chest. He rests his head on yours and gently plays with your hair, you listen to his heartbeat as he holds you close, you end up falling asleep fairly quickly.

You wake up a couple hours later, you notice the time, 4:45 PM, you turn to Bucky who is still sleeping, you decide to let him sleep for a little while longer, since it's been a long day and go talk to Clint and Laura. You walk out of your room to find everyone in the kitchen.

"Hey." You say as you walk out of your room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Clint asks

"Good, it was nice to finally rest." You reply as you sit down at the kitchen counter.

"How are you feeling about everything?" Laura asks

You nod your head slightly, "I'm feeling better. I was pretty nervous about coming out here, especially considering this incident with HYDRA and knowing that they were able to track me with the tracker had me really nervous. But knowing that your place is a safe house makes me feel a lot better."

Laura smiles and nods, "How are you feeling physically?"

You sigh, "Physically, I'm not in a lot of pain right now but I was prescribed some pain medication to help it but resting did help but I guess it does help that I have the super soldier serum in me, and plus I do have a pretty high pain tolerance."

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