Chapter 71 - Hurt by you

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You immediately grab Steve's shield without even thinking. Thanks to the super serum you were able to pick up Steve's shield like it was nothing and you jump on Tony, pinning him to the ground. You raise the vibranium shield above your head and start to attack Tony's helmet which he had on.

Steve and Clint watch before they intervene, knowing that the both of them would be able to stop you before anything seriously bad were to happen but they knew that this would somehow be the outcome.

Once you manage to break Tony's helmet off and tear it off his face, you lift the shield over your head and notice that Tony began to cover his face. But you go for his arc reactor instead, you didn't want to kill him, you wanted to hurt him just as he hurt you. You manage to hit his arc reactor by deactivating the light but you go to raise the shield over your head again before you feel your body being pulled off of Tony by Steve and Clint. They pull you off of him before you kill him. 

"'Look, I'm sorry." Tony pants as he spits out a little bit of blood from his mouth, knowing that he deserved this.

You're out of breath at this moment, "What the hell happened Tony? You promised me!"

It takes a moment for Tony to get his bearings before he's able to stand up. "I sent Bucky down the tunnels of the club on his own to look for the girl because he essentially knew the ins and outs of Hydra. It wasn't long after that Steve noticed that Bucky's communication went down and there were other Hydra agents right after Bucky got captured.

The anger inside of you began to boil out of you, like an erupting volcano about to blow, "You knew! We told you it was all a setup but you refused to listen!"

"I didn't realize until later and I'm sorry." He muttered under his breath.

"Your apology means nothing to me! When and if we do find Bucky, you're going to apologize to him for everything!"

Clint steps in and says, "Hey, we'll find him."

You look at him as you begin to get choked up. "How long will it take to find him? 12 years?"

"That's not fair," Clint replies with guilt in his voice. 

"No, what's not fair is that you both broke your promise and that it did take 12 years to find me! And now every minute and every second we sit here, my fiancée could possibly die at the hands of Hydra." You felt your throat beginning to close up as you try not to cry.

You run out of the conference room and finally feel your tears well up in your eyes, as you took the back stairwell that leads to the bedrooms, your vision becomes blurry from your tears. You make it upstairs and decide to stop at Bucky's door. You try to take a deep breath but it felt like water was filling up in your lungs with every breath you took. You place your hand on the cold door knob and begin to slowly turn it. As you open the door, you find that his bed is perfectly made, as though it had been untouched for weeks. It probably was since Bucky had been in your room since you and Bucky became official. You look around his room and find a big bookcase against the wall You walk over to it and find a picture frame with a black and white picture of a young girl, probably 8 or 9, with pigtails. You assume that this little girl was Bucky's younger sister, Rebecca. You also see another picture of Bucky but it was him in the army and he was standing with Steve, smiling. He looked a few years younger than he did now but he looked genuinely happy. You guessed it was right before everything happened with Hydra. You look around and see a picture frame on his nightstand. You pick it up as you sit on his bed and notice that it's a picture of you and Bucky immediately after Bucky had proposed to you. You both were hugging and just happy. You try to collect your thoughts as you continue sitting on his bed. You sit in his empty bedroom, thinking that this is all just a bad dream that you needed to desperately wake up from and he'll be home in the morning. But also another part of you felt empty and numb to where you didn't know whether to scream out of anger or cry. You decide to go back to your room because it was too hard to sit in Bucky's room without wanting to bawl. 

As you walk to your room, it felt like you were dragging your feet, feeling as though someone or something was pushing you back to your room but you didn't want to go in because Bucky's presence was now gone. When you walked back to your room, it felt like a part of you was missing. You start to feel overwhelmed as you think about what Bucky possibly could be going through right at this moment, then you begin to think of ways to search for Bucky and you realize that you have traveled to places as a Hydra agent but you don't remember a lot of the places that you have been to and it would be nice to travel and see the world a bit while you also search for Bucky. 

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