Chapter 73 - If not me, then who will?

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You wake up the next morning, feeling the bed next to you, realizing that Bucky isn't there like he should be and it wasn't a horrible dream.

You turn to your side and notice the picture of you and Bucky. You remember that day like it was yesterday. It was a couple of days after you and Bucky had officially become a couple and you had a particularly hard day, with your nightmares and it was a rough day mentally, so you decided to sit out by the lake. You were there for a good hour until Bucky had gone out to find you sitting by the lake. He sat next to you and asked if you were okay, you nod your head and told him, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just needed a minute."

Bucky understood how hard these days would be, coming from Hydra and not really wanting to open up about what was going on. So the both of you just sit together and watch the sunset together.

Wanda was also looking for you and Bucky but found the both of you sitting on the shore of the lake and didn't want to disturb you but thought that the both of you looked cute just sitting there so she took the picture with her phone and texted the picture to you. With the following text, "Hey! I was just looking for you and Bucky, but I found the both of you sitting by the lake, and I took this picture of the both of you!  <3" You smiled at the text and showed the text to Bucky, who smiled as well.

You wish that Bucky were here to hold you after being going for so long but knowing that Bucky is with Hydra creates an overwhelming feeling of sadness and anxiety. You know that you have to find Bucky sooner rather than later, with or without Tony or Clint's help but you don't know where to start, especially where there are still so many Hydra bases and for some reason Pierce wants you dead. 

You want to talk to Nat and Wanda about traveling and searching for Bucky but as you are lying down in bed, it feels like the whole world is sitting on your chest and it refuses to budge. You notice the clock on your nightstand, the time says 10:45 am, you decide to finally get up. As you get up you still feel tired and your shoulder is in a lot of pain, so you take your pain medication and go downstairs to talk to Nat and Wanda. As you walk downstairs, it feels as though you are dragging your body through concrete and you feel as though you have to pull your body with every step and it feels as though your body and mind is on empty and is using all the effort that it doesn't have to get you downstairs.

You walk downstairs to find Wanda and Nat in the kitchen, "Hey guys."

"Hey Y/N," Wanda says as she smiles sympathetically towards you.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Nat asks as she sets her coffee mug down.

You shrug your shoulders, "I'm tired but I'm okay. I actually came down to ask you guys something."

"What's up?" Wanda wonders.

You sit down on one of the bar stools and sigh, "I was wondering if you guys wanted to spend some time outside of the Compound and travel but not only that, look for Bucky with me."

Nat thinks about it for a moment as she crosses her arms over her body, out of concern for you, looks at Wanda and back at you and says, "We would love to but we're worried about you, are you sure you want to do this? Especially considering your past with Hydra..."

"Yeah, I don't know. I feel like it's up to me right now to essentially look for Bucky and maybe possibly save him if I can and I know that my past with Hydra will make it hard but I have to at least try." You state quietly as you look at your hands for a moment and then up at Wanda and Nat.

"Alright, if you're sure, let's make a deal, if you feel like things are getting harder physically, emotionally, or even mentally, we'll come straight home but you have to let us know. And on top of that, we'll bring Steve and Sam with us, just so you have that extra protection, deal?"

You think for a moment. You realize that you feel bad for having Sam and Steve leave with you guys, especially where they just came home but it would also be nice to have that extra protection yet there was no way of going on this trip without the guys. You look between Nat and Wanda and back at Nat and nod, "Deal."

"When would you want to leave?" Wanda wonders.

"I was hoping here in the next few days if you guys want to." You answer.

The three of you agree to leave in the next couple of days.

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