Chapter 65- Frustrations

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Once they make it back into the safe house, they all gather in the living room so Tony could debrief them for the next part of their mission.

"Great job guys on retrieving the weapons but bad news, we're going to have to extend our mission by another month," Tony announces.

All of the guys groan, with most of them just shaking their heads.

"Why the hell do we have to be gone for another month?" Bucky asks as he scowled at Tony.

"Cause I couldn't find anything in Hydra's database on the girl and there is only a matter of time," Tony adds

"What did you find?" Steve asks as he crosses his arms in front of his body.

Tony approaches the table in the middle of the room and presses a button to bring up all of the screens, He plugs in the USB and is able to bring up the files that he downloaded when he was in the Hydra base. He scratches the back of his head, "I was able to find the files for Barnes and Y/N. But nothing on the girl. However, I was able to find information on the last 50 or so Hydra bases that are still around."

Bucky scoffs, "Why do you care so much?"

"I don't but she's another civilian who was taken by Hydra, if they had sent videos of every captor, then there wouldn't be any Hydra agents." Tony says matter-of-factly.

Bucky gets up and gets in Tony's face, "That's a loaded answer and you know it."

Bucky grabs his jacket off the back of the chair that he was sitting on, "Buck, where are you going?" Sam asks as he watches Bucky approach the door.

Bucky turns and responds before opening the door, "I'm going to go on a walk and call my fiance that I'm going to be gone for another month."

Bucky puts on his jacket and goes out to the cool night and closes the door behind him. He stuffs his hands into his pockets out of frustration and let his emotions get the better of him. He starts to feel his throat choke up as he continues to walk down the road of Romania, listening to the quiet sounds of the city. He sits on a bench and starts to feel the tears well up in his eyes, he was frustrated that he couldn't go home any earlier, especially after this mission but he was also crying because he missed you. He missed your touch, he missed your smile, he missed your kiss. He just missed everything about you and now he has to be gone for another month and not be able to help with the wedding planning and hopefully be there just in time for the wedding. He felt guilty for leaving the wedding planning to you but was grateful for Laura to help with everything. After a few minutes of finally letting his emotions out, he pulls out his phone to call you, he unlocks his phone and presses your contact phone number, and presses the 'FaceTime' button to see you and talk to you. He knew it was late back home but he desperately needed to call you and explain the situation.

It was 3 AM when Bucky called you, you had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago and you also had your phone's ringer on in case Bucky needed to call you this early in the morning. You proceed to wipe the sleep out of your eye as your phone continues to ring, you press the green call button and sit up, "Hey Buck, is everything okay?" You ask as you continue to rub the sleep out of your eyes.

"Hey doll, sorry to wake you up so early but Tony said that we have to be out for another month, so I called to let you know." Bucky sniffled as he tried to suppress his tears. You noticed the redness on his nose and around his eyes as you suspected that he must have been crying for the last little bit before he called you.

You immediately sit up, "Wait. Why?"

Bucky sighs a shaky breath before responding, "I don't know, he was just giving excuses for why we needed to stay another month. Saying that he couldn't find the file on the girl and that if Hydra were to send every video on every victim that there wouldn't be any victims taken by Hydra."

You groan out of frustration, "Will you kill Tony for me?"

"Oh trust me doll, we're all very close, especially me." Bucky adds as he continues walking through the streets of Romania.

You talk for another hour with Bucky over how the mission went until Bucky had a training session with Clint and Steve.

"I've got to go doll, I'm sorry, but I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you." Bucky says as he makes his way back to the safe house.

"Okay, I love you." You reply before ending the call.

You toss your phone onto your bed after the call with Bucky and you don't end up sleeping for the rest of the night. You cry out of frustration and anger towards Tony for extending this mission by another month and not allowing Bucky to come home early.

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