Chapter 47- Sleeping arrangements

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"Okay, what about other sleeping arrangements? We've got a couple extra rooms, we'll have Lila, Cooper, and Nate sleep together, so that makes two." Laura says as she picks up Nate, who was wanting to have her hold him as she was talking. 

"We've also got my room." Bucky chimes in.

"That's right we do, so who will be sleeping where?" Laura nods

You look over and see Sam and Steve snickering. You furrow your brow for a moment but don't pay any mind to it until Sam shoots his arm up and says, "we'll sleep in Y/N and Bucky's room."

"Why?" You ask as you look back and forth between Sam and Steve

"So we can make sure that you aren't doing any funny business," Sam says as he laughs

You roll your eyes, "Well Sam, you're going to be very disappointed."

"Why?" Sam asks

"Because we talked about having kids after we're married and we literally cuddle every night."

"Well fine. But we still want to sleep in your room."

You laugh and shake your head, "okay."

You all discuss sleeping arrangements. Bruce and Nat in one room. Peter and Aunt May in another room. Tony in his own room. Wanda in another room. Clint pulls out a couple of air mattresses with sleeping bags for Steve and Sam as well as plenty of extra blankets for everyone if they need one.

Everyone gets up and goes to their room. Sam and Steve follow you and Bucky to your room.

"Here is my room." You say as you walk in with Bucky, Steve and Sam following closely behind. Steve and Sam place their air mattress and sleeping bags on the floor.

"Do you want to use the bathroom first, Y/N?" Steve asks

"Sure." You say as you grab the shirt and sweat pants that you'll be wearing to bed. You spend the few minutes of personal time that you'll have before Sam and Steve spend the night in your room getting ready for bed. You roll your eyes playfully, thinking how funny it'll be to play some pranks on your friends for wanting to sleep in your room for "checking on you." You come out of the bathroom once you've brushed your teeth and got yourself ready for bed. Bucky goes into the bathroom after you. Steve and Sam wait for the bathroom.

"Hey guys, there's another bathroom in the kitchen if one of you want to take that." You mention as you point.

Steve and Sam both look at each other and nod. Sam leaves your room with his clothes and his toiletries to the other bathroom. You hear the shower running, figuring Sam probably got into the shower. You settle into bed and pull out The Hunger Games.

"How have you been feeling?" Steve asks

"I've actually been pretty good lately, how have you been?" You add

"I'm good, I'm definitely excited for the both of you."

"Thanks Steve." You smile

Steve nods as Bucky comes out of the bathroom, Steve goes into your bathroom to get ready for bed.

You settle into the bed and wait for the boys to get ready for bed. You read your book and wait for Bucky to come out of the bathroom. Bucky comes out of the bathroom to find you reading.

"Buck?" You ask as you put down your book

"Yeah?" Bucky adds

"You know we're going to have to get back at them for doing this."

"Yeah, you're not wrong."

"What are we going to do?"

"I know that Steve gets scared really easily, so we can scare him but we'll have to pull off a really good prank for Sam." He chuckles

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