Chapter 23 - Issues and ailments

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"Look I understand that she was with the girls but she could have died!" Bucky answers angrily

"I understand that you're upset, but she still needs to train more in order to be able to use her powers in a way that helps us. I think it's best that we stay with her, no matter where she goes to make sure that we are there to protect her and make sure that she is safe until she is able to use her powers."

"Okay, you're right, but I'm going to stay here the whole time if I have to until she's done." Bucky replies stubbornly as he sits down.

"Alright, I'll stay here as well." Clint sits down next to Bucky knowing Bucky won't leave until you wake up.

Nat and Wanda walk in not long after Steve and Sam had come to see them. 

"How is she?" Nat asks

"She's doing okay, she's been in surgery for the past couple hours now." Bucky responds

"How are you guys?" Wanda asks

"Doing okay, We're just worried about her." Clint responds

"So what exactly happened?" Bucky asks.

Nat starts, "She was telling us how you and her had become a couple and the color from her face had drained from her face and it looked like she had seen a ghost and she had told us that she saw Rumlow and Rollins walk in."

"And we told her to start running and get a hold of either one of you while we tried to hold them off from Y/N." Wanda continues.

Nat and Wanda stay for another hour as you are still in surgery.

"Wanda and I are going to head out. Let us know if you guys need anything." Nat says as she and Wanda walk out.

"Alright, thanks guys." Bucky answers quietly.

Bucky and Clint are sitting there for the next couple hours as you are in surgery. Bucky starts to pace, worried about you. As the surgeon is finishing up, she comes up to Bucky and Clint, with a worried look on her face. 

"Are you the men that brought Y/N in?" She asks solemnly

"Yeah, what's going on? Is she okay?" Bucky asks, his voice trembling.

"The surgeon is just finishing up but she's gone comatose. I'm sorry." The nurse expressed before walking away, leaving the news of you being a coma to settle for a moment with Bucky and Clint. 

"What?" Bucky asks in disbelief, It felt like his whole world had shattered. His heart felt like it was sinking into his stomach. He slowly sat back in his chair. The words of the nurse and Clint were now muffled. He couldn't believe what he just heard.He sat in disbelief, he sat in his chair for what seemed like forever. He wanted to cry, scream, shout, do whatever the hell to get the emotions out of finding out his girlfriend is now in a coma. 

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