Chapter 17 - Two's company

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The both of you spend a couple more hours by the lake just sitting and cuddling with each other as you listen to the outdoor nature that is around you. 

Bucky notices the time and asks, "Should we head back?"

"Yeah let's head back." You say

The both of you walk back to the Compound with his arm around your shoulder.

As you approach the Compound, you walk through the entrance to find Wanda in the living room.

"Hey Wanda." You and Bucky say together as you walk in with Bucky's arm still around you.

Wanda gave you and Bucky the same knowing look that she had given to the both of you before you had left.

"Hey Guys." Says Wanda

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute." Asks Wanda as she looks between the both you, wanting to know what the two of you had talked about. 

You look over at Bucky and back at Wanda, "Yeah! Of course."

"Alright, I'll let you ladies talk, I've got somethings to do." Bucky chuckles, he leans down to kiss you and leaves the room just leaving you and Wanda to talk about what you and Bucky had talked about. You sit down next to her. 

"So what did you and Bucky talk about?" Wanda wondered

"Well, Bucky asked me to be his girlfriend." You confess, blushing.

"Really? That's exciting!" Wanda exclaimed 

"Yeah! But he also told me that he was the Winter Soldier, which is why I recognized him when I was rescued." 

"How did you feel about that?" Questioned Wanda

"It's hard to hear that Bucky has gone through so much, when he shouldn't have had to. But I know exactly how he feels cause he and I have gone through the same experiences and it's hard to know that there is so much evil in the world and they take every little bit of innocence away from us to the point that it ruins us, but I'm grateful to have a guy who understands a lot of the same things that I went through." 

"Yeah, that makes sense." Wanda says as she thinks about her life with Hydra.

"Well, I was thinking that when Nat comes back home from the mission, the three of us can do a girls day." Wanda smiles.

"Yeah! I would love to!" You smile, thinking that it'll finally be good to spend some time with at and Wanda.

You and Wanda talk about what you, Wanda and Nat want to do when Nat comes back home for a few minutes before you go upstairs to find Bucky. 

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