Chapter 20 - Stuck in the moment

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After you've spent the day shopping and getting your nails done, you, Wanda and Nat sit down for lunch. 

The three of you order what you want for lunch, as you guys are sitting down, Nat takes a drink of her beer and sits back as she talks to you, "So Y/N, Wanda told me that you have some exciting news." 

You turn to Wanda and ask her, "Did you tell her?" Which you were fine if Wanda were to tell Nat but you wanted to tell Nat the good news of you finally being in a relationship with Bucky.

Wanda smiles and shakes her head, "No, don't worry I didn't tell her anything."

Nat leans back in her chair as she takes another sip of her drink, "Don't worry, all Wanda told me was that you had something to tell me."

You relax as you finally tell Nat the news about your relationship with Bucky, "Well, Bucky and I took a walk along the lake and he asked me to be his girlfriend."

Nat smiles, "And I'm assuming you said, "Yes?""

You blush, "Yeah, yeah, I did."

"That's exciting! Have you told Clint yet?" Nat asks 

You shake your head, "No, I made Bucky promise me to tell the guys, which I'm hoping he's doing right now."

"How do you think Clint will react?" Wanda wondered

You shrug, "I don't know. I'm hoping that it's at least a positive response from Clint but you never know. But I also know that him and Bucky are friends, so I'm sure that he'll approve of the relationship."

"Well, I'm sure that he'll be happy for the both of you, and knowing Bucky, he'll treat you right. I definitely think that you will both make each other very happy." Wanda replies

You smile, "Thanks Wanda. And I feel like I'm finally happy, despite everything that has happened in my past. I feel like my life is finally turning around in a good way, at least."

Nat smiles, "Well, we're happy that you're happy."

Meanwhile at the Compound...

Bucky sits down with all of the guys, as they are sitting down for lunch.

"Hey guys, I've got something to tell you." Bucky speaks up

"Oh no. This can't be good." Sam jokes, not knowing that what Bucky is about to say is really good news for him. Bucky glares at Sam.

"Sam... what is it Buck?" Steve asks as he turns to Bucky

"Well, I wanted to tell you guys that Y/N and I are officially in a relationship." Bucky admits as he takes a bite of his food.

"Damn it! Here I thought it was going to be bad news, but congrats Bucky!" Sam exclaims

Bucky rolls his eyes as he flips Sam off, Sam acts offended but knows that Bucky is only joking but he is happy for Bucky.

All of the guys congratulate Bucky, knowing that considering his past, with everything that he's been through, he definitely needs a win in his life.

"Congrats Barnes. If you hurt her, I may have to kill you." Clint jokes with Bucky

"Trust me, she's the last person I would hurt." He says while glaring at Sam again.

"What?" Sam wondered innocently while wondering what was going on in Bucky's head. 

"How long have you guys been official?" Clint asks

"It's been a couple weeks now, we became official while you guys were still on the mission." Bucky admits while he takes another bite of food.

"So Bucky and I went down to the lake to just talk and we sat on the shore and Bucky told me that he's had feelings for me for a while and I told him that I've had feeling for a while now as well and we've become official." You smile as you tell Nat and Wanda how you officially became a couple with Bucky but as you tell them you notice two people in all black walk around the mall and your heart races and it feels like your soul had left your body as you realize who is walking through the mall. 

You realize that it's Rumlow and Rollins walking in. 

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